#2177 request for hosting a new project
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by abenari.

= Project Sponsor =

Project Team (FAS Names):[abenari, rjones, mdbooth]
Infrastructure Sponsor:

= Project Info =

Project Name:[CDUpgrader]
Target Audience:[Windows guest OS users on a virtualization platform]
Expiration/Delivery Date (required):[May 21, 2010]
Description/Summary:[This project is intended for upgrading and installing tools and drivers on a virtual machine. It uses a CD to introduce the new version of software because CDROM is a stable interface that doesn't change between hypervisor versions]
Project plan (Detailed):[[BR]]

Project Team (FAS Names): abenari, rjones, mdbooth

Project Info[[BR]]
Project name: CDUpgrader

Project short summary: This project is intended for upgrading and installing tools and drivers on a virtual machine. It uses a CD to introduce the new version of software because CDROM is a stable interface that doesn't change between hypervisor versions

Target Audience: Windows guest OS users on a virtualization platform

SCM choice (git/bzr/hg/svn): git

Importing from another SCM? No

Project admin Fedora Account System account name: abenari, rjones, mdbooth

Trac Instance? No

Mailing list(s)? cdupgrader-devel?

Should be done.
You can push to the git repository here: ''git push ssh://git.fedorahosted.org/git/CDUpgrader.git/ master''
.. and you should have an email containing mailing list instructions.

Let us know if you need anything else.

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