#2451 Fedora Blogs don't require encryption when submitting login information
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by sparks.

= phenomenon =
When logging into Fedora Blogs the webpage is http instead of https allowing FAS login credintials to be transmitted in the clear.

= reason =
Because the page isn't secure with SSL (HTTPS)

= recommendation =
Redirect the login page to the HTTPS version which seems to work fine.

I've been unable to reproduce this. Every time i try to go http://blogs.fp.o/wp/wp-login.php, it redirects me to https:// ... Clicking on the link on the left hand navigation also redirects.

I've tried this in FF3, Elinks and chrome.

Same here, everything seems to redirect fine.

If you still see this as a problem, feel free to re-open it.

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