Right now we have nagios hitting bodhi on app1-7 every second.
I would like nagios to hit http://releng2/updates and http://relepel01/updates every 5 minutes or so, to prevent mod_wsgi from shutting down TurboGears (and thus the TurboGears Scheduler, which runs important bodhi jobs).
attachment Add_releng2_and_relepel01_website_check
Patch added, please take a look.
Check successfully added.
ps: I didn't use this patch.
Looks like it is working!
{{{ [turbogears.access] INFO 2011-05-10 19:16:47,590 - - "GET /updates/ HTTP/1.1" 200 29749 "" "check_http/v1.4.15 (nagios-plugins 1.4.15)" }}}
Thanks Rafael!
You're welcome. If you need something more, please let me know.
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