#28 DBs and logging
Closed: Fixed None Opened 16 years ago by mmcgrath.

I'd like the mysql and postgres db's to ouput transferlogs in a text file. I'm not sure how much additional load and space that will take up but it would be useful for us. Comments?

MySQL is now logging transactions of on db1, the log file is located in the /var/log/mysqld

The logs within /var/log/mysqld will also be rotated daily.

We've had db1 configured to do logging for a while on db1, but at some point the permissions got messed up and this stopped happening (see ticket #1499). The transaction logging did recently cause issues on an import of a very large table in the smolt database, by the way, so that may be something to keep in mind when doing large imports.

Where do we stand on logging with postgres now?

postgres is now logging transactions, but it's keeping infinity of them. ;)

How many should we keep? 30 days?

a simple:

-#log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log' # log file name pattern,
+log_filename = 'postgresql-%d.log' # log file name pattern,

in postgresql.conf should do that.

Or do we need to keep more of them, or save them off to log* ?

This seems done to me now, closing.

We are keeping 30 days of them.

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