#2927 Hosting request for Packager's Guide
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by pmkovar.

Project name: docs/packagers-guide

Project short summary: A guide to software packaging for Fedora

SCM choice (git/bzr/hg/svn): git

Project admin Fedora Account System account name: pmkovar

Yes/No, would you like a Trac instance for your project?: Yes

Do you need a mailing list? No

Send commits to the following list: docs-commits@lists.fedorahosted.org

NOTE: No separate commit group needed. Please give commit access to the docs-writers group.

Done. Please let us know if you need anything further.

Could you please check that the Trac instance for packagers-guide has been actually created? I don't seem to be able to access it (on https://fedorahosted.org/packagers-guide/).

Thank you for taking care of this!

Sorry about that. Fixed now.

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