#3006 raise quota to 8Gb to host a repo w/ fedora uprobes kernel
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by aarapov.

Hello All,

We need a bigger quota to host a fedora kernel with the uprobes patchset integrated.
At the moment, one kernel version for two branches ates almost 3Gb which is already over the quota, while we need two keep available two kernel versions(old and new one, to have a possibility to rollback) for two branches(development and latest released fedora).

Here data sizes for one kernel release for two branches:
[aarapov@bandura repos]$ du -h
1.8G ./fedora-16
1.2G ./development
2.9G .

Please, find a reserves to raise the quota to 8Gbs. We need this until uprobes patchset be accepted upstream, thus we go with the patches to vanilla and regular Fedora kernel. Or until it won't be accepted and we drop development.

Thank you,


[nb@people02 ~]$ sudo quota aarapov
Disk quotas for user aarapov (uid 108532):
Filesystem blocks quota limit grace files quota limit grace
506276 8000000 8000000 593 0 0

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