#3888 https://fedoraproject.org/verify links to wrong files for ARM, differs from primary arch
Closed: Fixed None Opened 11 years ago by till.

= bug description =
On https://fedoraproject.org/verify
- the link for Fedora ARM 18 does not work:
- the link for Fedora ARM HFP 18 does not work:
- The link for Fedora ARM HFP 19 is in the column for Fedora ARM 19
- The CHECKSUM files for ARM and x86_64 differ in the used hashing algorithm for the GPG signature and the comment about sha256sum being used

= bug analysis =

The process to generate and publish the CHECKSUM files seems still not to be documented and followed properly. The page is not checked for working links regularly.

= fix recommendation =

  • Document and follow standard procedures to generate and publish CHECKSUM files to ensure uniform algorithm usage and comments
  • Regularly check web pages for broken links. Verify web page contents after upload.

This is not a infrastructure things its doen by release engineering

there is no arm tree only armhfp and the verify bits are done by websites sorry for the noise

looking at that page for 19 arm is dead the tree is armhfp and should be marked as such

The verify links for f18 ARM and ARMHFP should work now, fixed with rev 6aa56c8. \
I also moved the F19 checksum from arm to armhfp, although with the next release version the dead ARM tree will be completely dropped and there would be any confusion.

For the CHECKSUM itself we (websites) use the file we get from releng.

Thank you for the report.

I guess this is solved now?

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