#4076 Highlight whether the last comment was from the applicant on http://fedoraproject.org/PackageReviewStatus/NEEDSPONSOR.html
Closed: Fixed None Opened 11 years ago by till.

I am trying to find someone to sponsor, but when I look through
I often find review requests, where the applicant needs to react to other comments. Therefore I would like to easily find review tickets from applicants who are waiting for someone else to respond. One idea is to hightlight reviews, where the last comment was from applicant.

Btw. I guess I asked it already several times, but can you please add a pointer to the code of the pages at the end of the pages? It would allow to easily provide patches.

Don't think I can do this without additional queries to pull the comment list, which would be prohibitively expensive. But maybe you know another way and you're just not telling.

The code is in the infrastructure repository.

This isn't going to happen. The proper way to handle this is to make proper use of the needinfo flag to hide reviews which are waiting for submitter response. And if you find a ticket that should have needinfo but doesn't, just set it and save the next person the trouble.

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