#4085 Enable commit mails for freeipa-docs.git
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by abbra.

Can we have all commit mails for freeipa-docs.git to be sent to gitfreeipa-members@fedoraproject.org ?


Please let us know if you need anything further or see any adjustments we need to make.

Hi Kevin,

we still don't get any commit messages to gitfreeipa-members@ from freeipa-docs.git commits.

Strange, as I definitely see them being sent in logs:

Nov 5 12:57:05 bastion01 postfix/cleanup[15707]: B00B021687: message-id=20131105125705.33A0560C48@fedorahosted.org
Nov 5 12:57:05 bastion01 postfix/local[16088]: 79A3121675: to=gitfreeipa-members@fedoraproject.org, relay=local, delay=0.27, delays=0.22/0/0/0.05, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (forwarded as B00B021687)

Can you doublecheck spam filters and such?

Kevin, I'm now able to find them, thanks to wrong filtering.

Sorry for false signal.

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