#4482 RFR: Resources to upgrade to Review Board 2.x
Closed: Invalid 7 years ago Opened 9 years ago by sgallagh.

= phenomenon =
We had a prototype version of Review Board 1.x running directly on the Fedora Hosted server for some time now, with quite poor performance. Now that Review Board 2.x is available on Fedora 21 and EPEL 7, I would like to transfer this service off of fedorahosted.org and onto its own application server.

= recommendation =
One or more RHEL 7 virtual machines to host the Review Board web application.

= dependencies =
Patrick Uiterwijk has been working on OpenID support for Review Board 2.x; this will need to be complete and integrated before public launch of this service in order to best integrate with Fedora Accounts.

I will be the sponsor for this.

Stephen, what kind of (amount of) storage should we think about?

I will Use the OpenShift Review Board 2 instance that we have for OpenLMI as an example (which has been running since March 2013, about one year and four months).

In that time, we have used 79 MB of space in a MySQL database (for four upstream projects under the OpenLMI umbrella). That comes out to about 13MB per project per year (probably safer to round up to 20MB or so for very busy projects).

Note that we are trying to standardize on postgresql. If there's support for that it might be better for us.

What projects would be using this instance? Any open source project that asked? Or fedorahosted projects only? or ?

Since this wouldn't need any internal resources we may want to look at making a single server that has both the db and application on it that is external to phx2.

Replying to [comment:4 kevin]:

Note that we are trying to standardize on postgresql. If there's support for that it might be better for us.

Review Board also supports connecting to a PostgreSQL database. I cited the MySQL DB size primarily because that's what was in use.

What projects would be using this instance? Any open source project that asked? Or fedorahosted projects only? or ?

Good question. There's nothing preventing any open-source project from using it technologically. However, an administrator needs to enroll any new project (it won't be self-enroll), so we can restrict it however it makes sense.

Since this wouldn't need any internal resources we may want to look at making a single server that has both the db and application on it that is external to phx2.

I see no issues with that. The only reason that it was on fedorahosted.org originally is because the first version we attempted to deploy needed direct access to the git repositories. Review Board has had access to use cgit or gitweb for some time now and doesn't need the local access any longer.

@puiterwijk @sgallagh Is this still desired / planned?

@puiterwijk @sgallagh Is this still desired / planned?

@puiterwijk @sgallagh Is this still desired / planned?

Not at this time. The service didn't gather as much steam as I had hoped and now everyone seems to be using Github pull-requests for their code-review needs.

ok. Closing this now and we can reopen/revisit later if we desire.


@kevin changed the status to Invalid

7 years ago

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