#4579 Bugzilla editing privileges not received from FAS
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by sclark.

= bug description =

My FAS account is in the FAS fedorabugs group and I believe that should give me editing privileges on Red Hat Bugzilla. However, all I can do is create new bugs and add comments to bugs. I am unable to edit bugs. If someone else adds me to a bug as, for example, the Docs Contact, then I am able to edit that bug but no others. My account email address in BZ is the same as it is in FAS.

= bug analysis =

Above behaviour suggests that there is a problem on the link between my FAS and Bugzilla accounts.

= fix recommendation =

I don't see any issues with our sync process right now, but perhaps something went wrong a while back when you were added to the group.

I have manually fixed up your account, so it should be set now.

Please let us know if you need anything further.

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