#4659 Code of Conduct does not seem to be easily reachable from https://getfedora.org
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by till.

= bug description =

Unless I am missing it, there seems to be no obvious way to find https://getfedora.org/code-of-conduct starting from https://getfedora.org/

We added the code-of-conduct to getfedora to make it translatable, otherwise it would have been better to reactivate the older page on the wiki. getfedora.org is not a webpage where this content should show up and we will move it to the new hubs as soon as we have time to work on them. Also, on fedoraproject.org we never had a direct link in the footer, just a link from a special community page, which is not (and will not be) on getfedora.org.

If you encounter a link somewhere (wiki, tickets, etc) to fedoraproject.org/code-of-conduct you will automatically be redirected to the page on getfedora, so there shouldn't be any dead links around actually.

Finally, please file any kind of web-related tickets in the [https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-websites websites trac]. Thanks.

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