group name: neuro-sig
mailing list email:
I see the neuro list is brand new. For group in pkgdb, emails are sent to the specified mailing list, but these emails may contain private information (security-sensitive bugs will be sent to the list, but also emails from bugzilla if the bugzilla account corresponding to the mailing-list needs to be changed).
For these reason we encourage that the mailing list to which are sent bugzilla notifications are set to private and their subscription moderated.
Would you still like to use this neuro list for pkgdb, or would you rather have a neuro-sig list?
Yes, let's use neuro-sig list.
So I have created the neuro-sig mailing list and the FAS group neuro-sig
This mailing list will be the one to receive the emails for all the packages maintained by the FAS group. What remains to do:
After that you should be able to add people to the group and give commit to the group using in pkgdb the username: group::neuro-sig.
So you should be all set on our side. Let us know if something doesn't work or if you need help with anything.
Thanks for choosing Fedora and have a nice day :)
PS: as agreed on IRC, I also deleted the neuro mailing list
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