#5212 Chinese list unexpected rejecting emails with "The message comes from a moderated member"
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by zsun.

= bug description =
The problem was firstly found on April 3rd. When we try to send mails to chinese@lists, mails being rejected with "The message comes from a moderated member"

= bug analysis =
The last email that was send to the list was on 03/31/2016 07:56 PM UTC+8. After that we did not receive any new email from the list. So the problem should caused by something happened between 03/31/2016 07:56 PM UTC+8 and 04/03/2016 08:00:03 UTC +8

= fix recommendation =

I've identified a bug in the migration process, it should be fixed now. Please re-open if it's not.

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