#5516 New FAS group and Mailing list for dotnet SIG
Closed: Fixed 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by rhea.

Hi there,

could you please create a new fas group and mailing list for DotNet SIG?
This group is to provide help around dotnet and given a bit of time, will get into packaging as well. Babysteps, I'm busy as it is =)

You can find a quick draft for the wiki page here, still work in progress though. IRC channel is in place as well as pagure project.

The FAS group would be just one for dotnet, but I'm not entirely sure about mailing lists. The thing is, that to be realistic, there is not a huge interest in dotnet on Linux, right... So I think that one generic dotnet list would be enough (no need for specific dotnet-devel or other lists) Any other opinions on this? :]

Best regards,

Done. Let us know if there's anything further we can do for you...

@kevin changed the status to Fixed

7 years ago

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