#5642 New Mailing List "fedora-budget@fp.o"
Closed: Fixed 8 years ago Opened 8 years ago by bex.

We need a new mailing list, fedora-budget@fp.o. The list is public access.

The list will be used for communication about the Fedora budget and mostly as a mechanism for reporting and conversation between the FCAIC and the various treasurers and credit card holders. This is not a budget request list.

We typically don't allow 'fedora' in list names, since they will be at 'lists.fedoraproject.org' which makes that pretty clear.

I went ahead and made a 'budget' list. If thats not ok let us know and we can delete it and use another name.


@kevin changed the status to Closed

8 years ago

We specifically did not want the bareword budget (https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/81)

Can you please rename the list fedora-budget?

@kevin changed the status to Open

8 years ago

Reading that, perhaps 'budget-discuss' would work? (or to be cute and code centric 'budget-devel' ?)

I am not a fan of budget-discuss because it implies more of a discussion of the budget and not the mechanics. budget-devel is actually kind of cute. Let's go with that.

even though it sounds like we are going to do some cheap programming :P

Ha. True, but I guess we can change it if people really hate it...


Anyhow, budget-devel is there now. Enjoy.

@kevin changed the status to Closed

8 years ago

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