#5668 fedora-budget@fp.o mailing list, part II
Closed: Invalid 8 years ago Opened 8 years ago by bex.

I need ticket https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/5642 reopened please. I've updated it.

There's no need to open a new ticket to ask that another ticket be opened.

A number of us get all comments from any tickets here, open or closed.


@kevin changed the status to Closed

8 years ago

@kevin good to know. We should consider having the UI changed to reflect this.

Sure, there is already the list of 'subscribers' on the left...

That doesn't indicate that they will actually receive an email or haven't filtered them in a way that a closed issue rises to the top. Seeing it return to "open" or something similar would inspire confidence that my comment is going to get lost.

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