Name of the project: Fedora Budget One line description of the project: The Fedora Budget tracks the financials of the Fedora Project Contact person for this / admin for the project: Brian Exelbierd (bexelbie) URL to the sources of the project: Remarks: I will be doing a POC of static site building and ultimately automatic republishing
Please let us know if you need anything further.
@kevin changed the status to Closed
Where are details about the builders documented? They don't appear to be on
I am trying to install some required packages for my build all of the following fail:
dnf -y install package sudo dnf -y install package sudo -n dnf -y install package
Any ideas?
Only sysadmins of Jenkins can install packages on builders. Just tell us which packages you need installed on which builders and we'll work on that.
I need the following packages:
ledger rubygem-rake rubygem-asciidoctor rubygem-git rubygem-ffi rubygem-rb-inotify rubygem-listen rubygem-coderay rubygem-slop rubygem-method_source rubygem-pry rubygem-formatador rubygem-nenv rubygem-shellany rubygem-eventmachine rubygem-multi_json rubygem-tilt rubygem-haml rubygem-thor rubygem-builder
Also, do you happen to know why restricting installs to administrators was done? I do appreciate my packages being loaded when my machine spawns, however it is also very limiting at the same time. Especially since I can install random software from the internet and would prefer in almost all cases to use the packaged versions.
I will restrict my jobs to the fedora builders.
@pingou changed the status to Open
Any updates/timeline? This is a blocker for me.
Done, sorry for delay. In future you can try asking on IRC if things are not resolved in time.
Package installation is done via Ansible - configuration is stored in ansible git repo. You are welcome to submit patches.
Also restricting package installs was done because the builders are persistent instances and we wanted to make sure they were as stable and secure as we could for all the projects.
One thing it would be nice to do is look at moving to dynamic builders (I think there is a jenkins plugin to create cloud instances dynamically as requested), then we could let everyone provision their own. That's just something we haven't had time for yet however.
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