It is something based on pulls from here:
somehow I seem to vaguely remember this being deployed in openshift.
IIRC this isn't something we have the hand on
My impression from @asamalik was that it was deployed by Fedora Infra following a push to that repo.
Alright, that's indeed built and hosted in our infra, but it's basically a cron job that runs every 25 minutes: and builds the site:
Yeah, it just pulls from github as they were using some framework we didn't want to install on all our proxies, so we just sync the end content.
I would love for this to just be moved into the way we build our websites or the like, but nothing ever got very far with that. There's also a ticket on localizing it ( ) which I guess is not possible the way it's setup now.
Does that answer the question? Or anything more we can do here?
@kevin It answers the question. The site I am working on would also result in a framework that may not be installed, so I'd like to delivery as built html. As for localization, I am working with a framework that can do that with Zanata so we can actually delivery a localized build set.
This can be closed. Thank you.
Actually, I'll add that the framework I am using could potentially be used for the Developer's site as well making it more accessible for localization.
Cool. Perhaps you could reach out to those folks and see if you can combine efforts?
@kevin changed the status to Closed
@kevin I am already talking to @asamalik about a related site and have mentioned this to them before. I need to get my POC done (ideally by DevConf) to help move this along, but I am blocked by Jenkins right now :)
I have it all except the publish for what I need. I can't push my output back to a git repo where it could be harvested.
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