If, on the scale of 1..10 (easy..hard) it is a 5 or less to restore the archives for the cwg-private@ list and grant me access please do so.
@mattdm is on PTO this week, if you need his input.
I serve as the FCAIC and need this access to help with my role.
Thank you.
@abompard can you take a look? If we have copies of the mailman2 archives still we should be able to import them. If you don't, I can look at old backups and probably find them.
Metadata Update from @kevin: - Issue tagged with: lists
Metadata Update from @abompard: - Issue assigned to abompard
I've kept the old HTML archives, but the directory for cwg-private is empty. Were there any archives to begin with? (maybe the list was configured not to archive emails?)
Indeed. Looking at it, it was/is set to no archive.
So, I guess there's nothing we can do here.
Metadata Update from @kevin: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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