While a Service Level Agreement (SLA) isn't appropriate for a community infrastructure, we do receive questions about what our commitments are to provide service. Some of these commitments are well understood, some are understood to various degrees, and few of them are centrally documented.
The Service Level Expectations (SLE) model provides a way for us to describe the level of service the Infrastructure team provides to the community and our stakeholders. This document model is quite flexible and we can use it to link to other infra-docs content as needed. For example, we can create classes of service, and the members of those classes can be described elsewhere (or automated somehow) so we only maintain one source of any data.
I'd like to see the group adopt this as a community best practice. Also this document should be publicly available and referenced from canonical places like the Infra wiki page and apps.fp.o. Ideally we should also link this in the project-wide footers on websites and apps, so users can easily determine each site's service level.
I have a draft of such a document at:
needs more work/discussion however.
Posted to the list for more discussion/tweaking...
This is the list as it stands right now. I grabbed the list of services from apps.fedoraproject.org and built a database around it. Once we decide on the ServiceLevel for each of these apps, we can move forward to target response and resolution times.
<img alt="SLE_List.html" src="/fedora-infrastructure/issue/raw/files/3e546aa524175def3af7a58946420998561e39b71c73cdaf28d04e859e2285ac-SLE_List.html" />
Yeah, as the wiki page notes we want to try and group these by domain name (since it's an easy way to let users lookup or know what to expect).
I'm going to try and add to the wiki page this coming week.
Is there already a list of URLs for the services or do we need to put one together?
Here is the app list I put together with the URLs I found. 9 of them I was unsure of and wanted input on. If there are any incorrect entries, let me know.
<img alt="Apps-with-URL.html" src="/fedora-infrastructure/issue/raw/files/97583d2bab8186156a7dd930dc5c05f39ce6eb53a694a10b70d94059e25c7691-Apps-with-URL.html" />
6 Asknot whatcanidoforfedora 7 elections https://admin.fedoraproject.org/elections 19 ipsilon https://id.fedoraproject.org 28 MirrorManager https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mirrormanager 29 Nagios https://nagios.fedoraproject.org 34 Koji https://koji.fedoraproject.org 41 Bugzilla http://bugzilla.redhat.com
6 Asknot whatcanidoforfedora.org 7 elections https://admin.fedoraproject.org/elections 19 ipsilon https://id.fedoraproject.org 28 MirrorManager https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mirrormanager 29 Nagios https://nagios.fedoraproject.org 34 Koji https://koji.fedoraproject.org 41 Bugzilla http://bugzilla.redhat.com
Sorry, I was wrong. Elections should be https://admin.fedoraproject.org/voting
I have everything filled in now except Problem Tracker. Updated list attached. <img alt="Apps-with-URL2.html" src="/fedora-infrastructure/issue/raw/files/7e03b04cfb0881676622ba868eb6718b2a73096f0c8858479286a2f06cb3a431-Apps-with-URL2.html" />
Primary Apps: <img alt="PrimaryApps.html" src="/fedora-infrastructure/issue/raw/files/3eddf00ec61a2d99fdd4c0f57689c5f7265617e393292ae4fe9c0e76fc54096c-PrimaryApps.html" />
Secondary Apps: <img alt="SecondaryApps.html" src="/fedora-infrastructure/issue/raw/files/f1fb5914e929d2d1f6a5496d367ec3937e7e9a3f4a45b8a657da91fb210c3b03-SecondaryApps.html" />
Community Apps: <img alt="CommunityApps.html" src="/fedora-infrastructure/issue/raw/files/07becc36c34bdc8810091b236f85ca4ce619835e9a6073e4df7002acd5136423-CommunityApps.html" />
If any of these apps should be moved between lists, let me know.
If anyone has information (URL, etc) on greenwave, bluescreen or any other missing apps, please update this ticket.
Metadata Update from @kevin: - Issue assigned to smooge - Issue priority set to: Waiting on Asignee
These have been pushed to infra-docs and should be now updated and fixed by people.
Metadata Update from @smooge: - Assignee reset
Metadata Update from @smooge: - Issue assigned to smooge - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue priority set to: None (was: Waiting on Assignee)
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