#6320 is it possible to rename FAS group "cvsl10n" to "l10n"?
Closed: Fixed 4 years ago by kevin. Opened 6 years ago by jibecfed.

Hi, can you please confirm it is possible to rename a FAS group?

I think we should remove "cvs" from this group name, which does not represent what the group is actually doing (listing l10n contributors and coordinators).

Thanks for your help,

It is not currently possible to rename a group.

You can make a new group and add all the members of the old group to the new one however.

Let me know if you would like me to create the new group.

I'll ask l10n team for confirmation, the answer should be yes, I'll organize the meeting monday to get a collective decision.

In the same time, we have to make a lot of cleanup to this group, it may be easier to do it in one single operation.
Here is the cleanup file: https://pagure.io/g11n/issue/37

I'll ask l10n team for confirmation, the answer should be yes, I'll organize the meeting monday to get a collective decision.

In the same time, we have to make a lot of cleanup to this group, it may be easier to do it in one single operation.
Here is the cleanup file: https://pagure.io/g11n/issue/37

so, do you want me to make you a i10n group? Or what was the consensus?

Hi, can you please confirm it is possible to rename a FAS group?
I think we should remove "cvs" from this group name, which does not represent what the group is actually doing (listing l10n contributors and coordinators).
Thanks for your help,


@kevin there is a consensus over the renaming, but not on what to do with accounts that are in this group but not in Zanata. It should hopefully be done by the end of the week.
You can read the discussion here: https://pagure.io/g11n/issue/37

Translators: please continue discussion on g11n issue tracker.

Hi, here are the decisions of the localization group:

  • please freeze cvsl10n, nobody should be able to subscribe to it anymore,
    • Note: we decided to freeze this group instead of emptying it, so we don't remove CLA+1 to old time contributors (we also have no idea how to easily test this).
  • please create a l10n group, with piotrdrag and jibecfed as admin. (Piotr is our l10n administrator, and I'll assume the end of this cleanup)
    • IRC is: fedora-g11n (irc.freenode.net)
    • Join message is: Welcome to the localization (l10n) group, used by people involved in translation and, in general, localization of software, documentation and various other components. Please note you need to be part of a language team in Zanata to be in this group. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Guide
  • please add users and sponsors included in attached files.

thanks a lot for your help,



ok. I have created the group and you and piotrdrag are administrators.

Do you need me to add those users, or can you just do it yourself?

You should be able to add folks and adjust the join and such as you like. Just edit the group.

Feel free to re-open if there's anything further we can do for you here.

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

Thank you @kevin, yes we do need you to import all those users in once. There is too many for manual update and I don't see how to add them by myself. Please teach me if this is possible.

Metadata Update from @jibecfed:
- Issue status updated to: Open (was: Closed)

6 years ago

Well, I don't have any way to add them aside from the same web interface you have. ;)

Just go to https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts and login.
Then click on group list on the side.
Put l10n in the search box.
Click on l10n in the one search result that comes up.
You should see a box next to a button that says "add user".
Enter the username, click the button.
Now they should show up below. Click on 'sponsor' to sponsor them into the group.
If they are to be a sponsor, click next to them after that to 'upgrade'

Anyhow, if thats too much work for the volume of users, we could perhaps ask @pingou or @puiterwijk to whip up a script to do it more quickly, but I don't know when they might have time to look at it.

@jibecfed Are you going to be able to add them yourself using the above? Or would you like me to explore a script?

Hi, adding a few dozen users is no big deal, bit there is hundreds and I do=
n't even imagine doing it manually=2E

Plus, I fought to get extraction from the zanata team so we can set up an =
automatism to keep it sync=2E I would love to learn, or at least keep track=
of the script=2E

At the moment, Alex Eng provides manual updates, once we'll get the api, a=
little script would be really useful so all translators are cla+1=2E I'll =
help to do it, but have no idea what a fas script may looks like=2E We curr=
ently have more of 50% missing users=2E

Thanks a lot for your help, I know it is consuming some time for you=2E=2E=
Jean-Baptiste Holcroft

@codeblock @pingou or @puiterwijk : can one of you help write a script here?

may I ask some help here? If you write a minimalist script, I can be autonomous and try to write a script to run monthly.

Multiple translators are denied the right to edit wiki and be fully part Fedora because of this huge gap of user lists between FAS and Zanata.
I would love to get Zanata talk to FAS directly, but I know it is no realistic, please help us with this script, so at least we have a manual way to sync lists...

Sorry to insist, but we need your help

This is long time pending task, any help will be highly appreciated. :)

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue priority set to: Next Meeting

6 years ago

@nb you said you might be able to help here? If not, lets try and get someone to...

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Next Meeting)
- Issue tagged with: easyfix

6 years ago


Here's an attempt. It'll either need to be run by an admin of the destination group, or by someone in accounts.

@jibecfed can you try to run @codeblock script if you are an admin of the group ?

I've handed off the script to @jibecfed he's going to run it tonight.

If all looks well, he can then make the old group invite only and add a message to it that its no longer used.

Let us know if you need anything more from us!

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

I forgot to say: thank you!

I often get errors from FAS, I think it's because of the too many requests or too long requests.

I ran it multiple times to migrate half of the cvsl10n, and will do it again many times until the migration is done.

[jean-baptiste@jportable fas-cvsl10n-to-l10n]$ ./fas.py 
Obtaining list of all users, hope you have some free RAM!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./fas.py", line 41, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fedora/client/baseclient.py", line 367, in send_request
    auth_params=auth_params, retries=retries, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fedora/client/proxyclient.py", line 477, in send_request
    raise ServerError(url, http_status, msg)
fedora.client.ServerError: ServerError(https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/user/list, 502, Bad Gateway)

@jibecfed where are you running this from? I am expecting that you are right. FAS and this script were probably not meant to do a LOT of what they are doing now.

On my laptop, at home. I finally cheated with a bash loop calling the script 50 times.
From a style perspective, it's ugly, but it worked perfectly ;) Migration is done.

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Attachments 2