#635 Voting system - 500 internal error
Closed: Fixed None Opened 16 years ago by aacosta.

Was trying to vote in board elections in June 17th 10:55 (US Mountain/ UTC-7) and got the following message:

500 Internal error

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Powered by CherryPy 2.3.0

Voting site advised me to report this here

Forgot to mention that this particular situation was presented when I was asked to confirm my vote and -of course- clicking submit button

I tried again a few minutes later and attempt was successful, I received a confirmation that my vote has been recorded.
I'm going to close myself this ticket and just leave it there for further reference if needed.

Thanks! We'll look into the logs and see what went wrong on your first attempt.

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