So, it turns out we have a lot of search-fu rank we didn't know about. Therefore we need to do 301 redirects for a bunch of url subtrees from to
The list below means that a url of should be redirected with a 301 (permanent move) to
This is high priority - thank you!
CC: @immanetize @mattdm
The trees are:
af/ af_ZA/ aln-AL/ am/ ar-SA/ as-IN/ ast-ES/ az/ bal-PK/ be/ bg-BG/ bn-BD/ bn-IN/ bo/ br/ brx/ bs-BA/ ca-ES/ cs_CZ/ cs-CZ/ cy/ da-DK/ de-CH/ de-DE/ dz/ el-GR/ en-GB/ en_US/ en-US/ eo/ es_ES/ es-ES/ et-EE/ eu_ES/ eu-ES/ fa_IR/ fa-IR/ fi-FI/ fr-FR/ ga/ gl-ES/ gu-IN/ he-IL/ hi-IN/ hr_HR/ hr-HR/ hu-HU/ hy/ ia/ id-ID/ ilo/ images/ is-IS/ it_IT/ it-IT/ ja_JP/ ja-JP/ ka/ kk/ km/ kn-IN/ ko-KR/ ks/ ku/ ky/ la/ lo/ lt-LT/ lv-LT/ lv-LV/ mai-IN/ mg/ mk/ ml-IN/ mn/ mr-IN/ ms_MY/ ms-MY/ my/ nb-NO/ nds-DE/ ne/ nl-NL/ nn-NO/ no/ nso/ oldcontrib/ oldguides/ oldmisc/ oldweb/ or-IN/ pa-IN/ pl-PL/ pt-BR/ pt-PT/ ro/ ro-RO/ ru_RU/ ru-RU/ si-LK/ sk-SK/ sl-SI/ sq-AL/ sr-Latn-RS/ sr-RS/ sv-SE/ ta_IN/ ta-IN/ te-IN/ tg-TJ/ th/ th-TH/ tl/ tr-TR/ uk_UA/ uk-UA/ ur-PK/ vi-VN/ wo/ xh/ zh-CN/ zh-HK/ zh-TW/ zu/
This is apparently costing us significant "search engine authority" and is probably worth a freeze exception, if that's possible.
This should now be fixed.
Metadata Update from @puiterwijk: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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