#6459 [RFR] transtats
Closed: Fixed 5 years ago by smooge. Opened 6 years ago by suanand.

This is a request for resources for a django based web application (server): transtats
CLI is here: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/transtats-cli

Software: Transtats
Project URL: http://transtats.org/

Target Audience: developers, i18n/l10n counterparts


In success of localization, timely translation and their packaging/shipping for targeted fedora release is highly desirable. Plus packaged translations should be tested as well. In some cases upstream manages the workflow and in another it may be managed for downstream only. Overall a sync between upstream, translation platform and build system seem missing. Which actually results in delay or poor localized interfaces. Transtats is an attempt to tie up loose ends by creating mapping between translation platforms, releases (schedule & build system) and upstream.

Advantage for Fedora

  • Translation progress tracking of packages for fedora releases with respect to current development.
  • Translation status of packages at all three places (Upstream, Translation Platform, Build System). This helps in finding translation gaps.
  • Translation update estimation for up coming fedora release at an early stage.
  • Translation coverage of a list of packages in a set of languages for a given fedora release.
  • Out-of-schedule string change tracking as per fedora release dates (under development).
  • Release schedule based notifications (under development).
  • and others


@puiterwijk Requesting you to have a look. Thanks!

Metadata Update from @puiterwijk:
- Issue assigned to puiterwijk

6 years ago

I've taken this provisionally, but if another main'er wants to take it over, by all means.

Thanks @puiterwijk

Phase II

Application stack would be Nginx Gunicorn Django PostgreSQL.
Please let me know, if I need to add/modify something.

@suanand did you ever yet check that it doesn't work in Openshift? Especially since there's even a pre-built Django image...
Also, if you really want a VM (again, we'd prefer not to, so we'd like to know a reason why), we would like to see Nginx + Gunicorn be replaced with Apache + mod_wsgi, since that's our default stack.
Also, why is this application not balanceable or cacheable?

Thanks @puiterwijk
Working on making transtats ready for openshift. In future may need koji as dependency so a custom image? not sure. I guess we can go for caching and balancing.

Metadata Update from @mizdebsk:
- Issue tagged with: request-for-resources

6 years ago

Yaml exports of the objects: all_objects.yml

Please guide with the next steps, how should we go for development instance? Looking forward to testing transtats in fedora-infra.

Hi @puiterwijk
Did build/deploy went well? Please use master branch for openshift deployment.
And let me know if some more code changes would be required.
May be/need to enable fas auth for fedora stage/prod environments also.

Please let me know where I can help moving things further.

Thanks @puiterwijk for making an entry for transtats.
I guess, at this point of time db host and port assignments for django apps is little different than what we have in django-ex example. Have made some changes and kept it in stage branch.

Requesting you to please rebuild and try deploying with stage branch once. If that works, will merge to master branch.

Or, maybe try with "DATABASE_HOST" environment variable once?

thanks again!

Where are we here? Still working on getting staging deployed?

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Asignee

6 years ago

(Yes) Now, transtats depends on koji. @puiterwijk I had three requests:

  • Kindly please point to stage branch of transtats github repo for deployment (only for the first time). So that we keep doing required code changes and merge them to master branch after successful stage deployment.

  • May be try DATABASE_HOST instead of DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME here.

  • Kindly please move from s2i to Dockerfile in buildconfig.yml. Please refer this.


Hi @puiterwijk

We have tried deploying transtats on openshift locally and followed similar YML structure that of openshift apps in ansible repo. Please have a look at transtats openshift YML files at github.com master branch is now ready.

Requesting to kindly give it a try (it should just be a few edits and deploy).


Metadata Update from @smooge:
- Assignee reset
- Issue priority set to: Next Meeting (was: Waiting on Assignee)

5 years ago

Metadata Update from @smooge:
- Issue assigned to smooge

5 years ago

Hi @smooge @kevin

Have prepared a patch for ansible repo to deploy transtats in staging (on the basis of our deployment, as discussed above). I guess this should work.


Just to update the ticket and anyone watching it:

We got things in staging to the point where they almost deployed. The issue was that the app as currently written is taking advantage of newer postgres features (json handling) and we are using a rhel7 postgresql host which is older and doesn't support that.

Hopefully the app can be adjusted to not need these new features. Otherwise we will have to come up with another solution.

Thank you so much @kevin for merging the patch and running build / deploy :)
We are working to make transtats deploy-able with postgresql 9.2

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on External (was: Next Meeting)

5 years ago

Hi @smooge @kevin

App has been adjusted to get deployed with PostgreSQL 9.2
Have prepared a patch for ansible repo to deploy transtats in staging.
Requesting to please apply this patch and rebuild transtats image in OpenShift.
Hopefully deployment should go through.



@smooge @kevin @puiterwijk
Please find some time around 1700 UTC on 27th of Nov to try deploying.


--- gentle reminder

Status, has been deployed to staging. OIDC is being worked on and should be ready soon.

thanks @smooge and @puiterwijk for deploying and making OIDC work.
We're testing and had a request: Please apply attached patch to ansible repository. And push to rebuild image in OpenShift. This is to set timeout for route.


Applied and playbook run.

thanks @kevin
I had to request for deploying Transtats in Production. How should we go about that?

We can do this in the first week of February. Are there any resource changes needed elsewhere other than adding it to run on the production openshift?

@smooge @kevin @puiterwijk @linuxmodder
Please find some time around 1500 UTC on 2019-02-05 to try deploying in Prod.
No changes in resources required.


@smooge @kevin @puiterwijk @mizdebsk
Thank you so much deploying Transtats in Production. I had an update to push which is adding a few dependencies. Kindly review and apply the attached transtats-stg-4.patch to ansible repository.

  1. this adds dependencies: npm and celery.
  2. restores the annotations for route requested in transtats-stg-3.patch; which got unlinked somehow.

And, if feasible, increase CPU and Memory allocations by 2x.


:thumbsup: Looks good to me.

The changes are now pushed to production.

This looks done and complete.

Metadata Update from @smooge:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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