#6956 Update release-monitoring to new version
Closed: Fixed 5 years ago Opened 6 years ago by abitrolly.

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review)

6 years ago

Anitya 0.13 has been released recently.

Data from IRC today:

[2018-09-17-11:52] <xvitaly> Hello all. Is Anitya down?
[2018-09-17-11:52] <xvitaly> ERROR: tdlib: no upstream version found. - https://github.com/tdlib/td/tags - class="tag-name">([^<]*) xvitaly, what is the url?
[2018-09-17-11:53] <xvitaly> smooge, https://github.com/tdlib/td
[2018-09-17-11:53] <xvitaly> I see lots of errors in Anitya: https://release-monitoring.org/projects/updates/failed
[2018-09-17-11:53] <tibbs> I think he means the URL at release-monitoring.org.
[2018-09-17-11:53] <tibbs> But yes, I see the failed updates as well. I don't think that means it's "down", though.
[2018-09-17-11:54] <xvitaly> smooge, https://release-monitoring.org/project/17862/

This is now finally done.

Sorry for the delay, we had to line up a bunch of things... the new version should now be running in our production openshift instance.

One thing to note is that before it was sending fedmsgs to the 'release-monitoring.org' fedmsg bus, which were in turn getting resent to the 'fedoraproject.org' fedmsg bus.
In order to simplify things we are just having it send directly to the fedora fedmsg bus. If you listened before to release-monitoring.org, please adjust your settings to listen on the fedora bus and look for "org.release-monitoring" topic. Sorry for any trouble this might cause.

Additionally the 'release-monitoring.org' dns domain inadvertantly had a very long TTL, so some folks may not get the new ip for a bit. ;(

Moving forward we should be able to roll new versions out much quicker.

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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