#7313 Messages from Anitya getting lost (fedmsg)
Closed: Fixed 5 years ago by zlopez. Opened 5 years ago by zlopez.

  • Describe what you need us to do:
    Recently one user opened an issue on Anitya that the fedmsg messages aren't delivered to datagrepper.
    Another user confirmed, but this time he doesn't got e-mails from Fedora notifications.
    There wasn't any change in publishing of fedmsg messages in Anitya and projects are correctly updated in Anitya.
    Could you investigate, where the messages are lost?

  • When do you need this? (YYYY/MM/DD)

  • When is this no longer needed or useful? (YYYY/MM/DD)
    When fedmsg will be dropped and instead fedora-messaging will be used.

  • If we cannot complete your request, what is the impact?
    Users don't get notified when new version of any project is discovered by Anitya.

@zlopez asked this question on IRC after seeing the commit: https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/cgit/ansible.git/commit/?id=a947f2ad1335ecee7759cd184b7142229a75bf00 where ci-cc wasn't able to get messages because it was connected/trying to connect to too many hosts.

If we were able to connect to say, 3 of the 4 endpoints, we would get 3/4th of the messages which could explain why we get some but not all.
Might be worth looking if this is the case here, otherwise it's something else :( (could it be something in openshift?)

Just for the record, I have also seen issues with anitya messages not making it to new-hotness, which results in the appropriate bugs not being filed.

If we were able to connect to say, 3 of the 4 endpoints, we would get 3/4th of the messages which could explain why we get some but not all.
Might be worth looking if this is the case here, otherwise it's something else :( (could it be something in openshift?)

Apps in openshift use 'active' mode, so they only reach out to busgateway01 (AFAIK), so endpoints shouldn't be the issue.

bodhi doesn't seem to be having any issues with fedmsgs and it's in openshift (at least the web part).

So, no idea what could be happening here off hand.

can someone give simple way or is there offline the-new-hotness tool that I can run and report the new upstream release bug?

Metadata Update from @bowlofeggs:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review)
- Issue tagged with: release-monitoring

5 years ago

Ping! Can we get this working please.

Metadata Update from @bowlofeggs:
- Issue assigned to zlopez

5 years ago

This is being worked on
We are migrating the Anitya to fedora-messaging right now

Thx for an update and sorry for me being impatient. This is just because Anitya is so important.

Is this going to be fixed by Anitya 0.14.0? Or any other update? Anitya without reporting tickets is useless :/

Anitya 0.14.0 should fix all known issues with checking for new releases. Unfortunately this version doesn't have the fedora-messaging implemented yet.

The PR for fedora-messaging is here https://github.com/release-monitoring/anitya/pull/570

I think this might very well be fixed now. I guess we will look and see...

The issue should now be solved. I found the root of this and fixed it.
According to the datagrepper the messages are arriving correctly now.

My apology that it took that long.

Metadata Update from @zlopez:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

Cool, I already noticed some updates notifications :clap:

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