#750 "make update" is broken
Closed: Fixed None Opened 16 years ago by scop.

"make update" in CVS appears broken. I just tried it in the F-9 branch of w3c-markup-validator, added type=E, some update notes, and got this on the console:

$ make update
* Tue Aug 12 2008 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at iki.fi> - 0.8.3-1
- 0.8.3 + upstream types.conf fix; missing form enctype patch applied upstream.
- Drop disttag.
Reading from bodhi.template
Type : enhancement
Request: None

Update to 0.8.3.
Creating new update for w3c-markup-validator-0.8.3-1
proxyclient.send_request: entered
Creating request https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/save?tg_format=json
Headers: {'Cookie': 'tg-visit=[hash omitted by Ville]', 'Accept': 'text/javascript', 'User-agent': 'Fedora BaseClient/0.3.4'}
Data: release=F9&notes=Update+to+0.8.3.&type=enhancement&builds=w3c-markup-validator-0.8.3-1&bugs=
proxyclient.send_request: exited

No update was created.

$ rpm -q python-fedora

What version of the bodhi-client are you running?

I just updated our production instance with a potential fix. Can you please make sure you are running the latest bodhi-client in updates and try and reproduce this issue. Thanks!

I'm running 0.4.10-4.fc9, will try to reproduce the next time I have something to update (I already submitted w3c-markup-validator manually).

I found something to update (colordiff), and tried with it, it works.

However the console output needs cleanup IMO:

$ make update
* Thu Apr 10 2008 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at iki.fi> - 1.0.7-3
- Patch to work around wget 1.11 regression, prefer curl over wget (#441862).
- Drop disttag.
Reading from bodhi.template
Type : enhancement
Request: stable

Patch to work around wget 1.11 regression (#441862), prefer curl over wget.
Creating new update for colordiff-1.0.7-3
proxyclient.send_request: entered
Creating request https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/save?tg_format=json
Headers: {'Cookie': 'tg-visit=[...]', 'Accept': 'text/javascript', 'User-agent': 'Fedora BaseClient/0.3.4'}
Data: builds=colordiff-1.0.7-3&notes=Patch+to+work+around+wget+1.11+regression+%28%23441862%29%2C+prefer+curl+over+wget.&request=stable&bugs=&release=F9&type=enhancement
HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
Password for scop:

At this point I didn't at first notice the password prompt at all, but only the "scary" "HTTP Error 403: Forbidden" and was already about to post here that it didn't work (but after I noticed the prompt and entered a password, it did).

Please see if you can reproduce this issue with the latest bodhi-client and python-fedora, which can be downloaded from koji:
koji download-build bodhi-0.5.1-2.fc9
koji download-build python-fedora-0.3.5-1.fc10

Tried today with bodhi-client-0.5.1-3.fc9 and the latest common/ from CVS - looks like the bodhi template there is not compatible with this bodhi-client version at all. bodhi-client seems to still want abbreviated forms like type=E and request=S while the template suggests to use type=enhancement, request=stable etc. After using the abbreviated forms, I finally got:

$ make update
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/bodhi", line 313, in <module>
File "/usr/bin/bodhi", line 136, in main
if not update_args['type_']:
TypeError: string indices must be integers
make: *** [bodhi] Error 1

Please note that I had only updated bodhi-client, my python-fedora was still at 0.3.4. I have nothing to update at the moment, will try again next time I have.

Yeah, you need python-fedora-0.3.5-1.fc10 or later.

python-fedora-0.3.6-2.fc9, which should resolve this issue, has been pushed to the stable updates repository. Please re-open this ticket if you are still experiencing this problem. Thanks!

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