#7652 MBS: [Errno 24] Too many open files: '/proc'
Closed: Fixed 5 years ago by kevin. Opened 5 years ago by ignatenkobrain.

There isn't any information here for us to determine what/where/when this happened. Can you please add anything to that? If it isn't possible then please open this with the mbs team as their tool needs to give that.

Following by link in OT, issue has happened March 21, 2019, 09:16:28 UTC. Since MBS is supported by infra, isn't this is correct place to open an issue?

  • MBS (mbs.fedoraproject.org) is supported by Fedora infrastructure, but release-engineering.github.io is not
  • MBS backend logs should contain more information, including traceback
  • This may be a known file descriptor leak in fedmsg: https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedmsg/issues/494
  • If so, restarting fedmsg-hub or fedmsg-hub-3 would fix the issue for now

As mizdebsk clarified, we do not run the site you pointed to. I have no idea who does as it isn't listed in any of the infrastructure documentation I could find. I do not think it is run by Fedora release engineering either even though the name 'implies' some connection.

Not sure if appropriate but I jumped up a couple pages to https://release-engineering.github.io/ and can see a hyperlink at the bottom of the page pointing to an email address of a Red Hatter: jdcasey@redhat.com

Looks like that should be the contact point for this specific site.

The issue is about Fedora MBS, so this tracker is the appropriate place to report the issue.

Metadata Update from @mizdebsk:
- Issue tagged with: mbs

5 years ago

AFAIK mbs-ui is simply app just parsing the official MBS API and presenting that in some better form. I think @mprahl was running that, but not sure.

Anyway, the issue @ignatenkobrain is talking about is most likely the fedmsg fd leak.

@mizdebsk , can you restart fedmsg-hub on MBS backends?

I've restarted fedmsg-hub service on mbs-backend01.phx2.fedoraproject.org

I assume this cleared up the issue?


Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

So, is periodically restarting fedmsg-hub the current fix for this or has the leak been fixed and this a different issue?

$ fedpkg module-build-info  4106
Name:           openmpi
Stream:         3.1
Version:        2920190428195227
Koji Tag:       module-openmpi-3.1-2920190428195227-6c81f848
Owner:          orion
State:          failed
State Reason:   (24, 'Too many open files')
Time Submitted: 2019-04-28T19:52:50Z
Time Completed: 2019-04-28T19:58:44Z
    Name:       openmpi
    NVR:        None
    State:      FAILED
    Koji Task:

    Name:       module-build-macros
    NVR:        module-build-macros-0.1-1.module_f29+4106+88ea097c
    State:      COMPLETE
    Koji Task:  https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=34514799

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