#7951 Consider removing the concurrent build limit in MBS
Closed: Fixed 4 years ago by mprahl. Opened 4 years ago by mprahl.

MBS can be configured with NUM_CONCURRENT_BUILDS, which sets a cap on the number of component builds in Koji that can be going on in parallel. There are a few flaws in its implementation which make it unfair to MBS users and cause performance issues. See the write-up in https://pagure.io/fm-orchestrator/issue/1312 for more details on this.

The original intent behind this feature was so that module builds wouldn't overload Koji when modules were still an experimental thing.

With that being said, is there a reason to still have this cap on the number of modular RPM builds at once? If there is, can we explore alternative solutions such as setting the priority on modular RPM builds, or using channels that throttle number of builds? I'm not a Koji expert, but those were some of the suggested alternatives I've heard about.

I'm generally ok with removing the limit, but a few questions:

  • what is the limit set to currently?

  • How does this affect newRepos?

We currently removed the priority limits on module builds, so currently they are the same pri as regular builds.

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review)

4 years ago

I'm +1 to removing the limit as well.

Metadata Update from @mizdebsk:
- Issue tagged with: mbs

4 years ago


what is the limit set to currently?

100, I've sent patch to change from 20 which you have applied IIRC :)

How does this affect newRepos?

I think it will explode, but @mprahl should be better person to answer this question. If it will, then it needs to be done after bug in MBS is fixed.


what is the limit set to currently?

100, I've sent patch to change from 20 which you have applied IIRC :)

How does this affect newRepos?

I think it will explode, but @mprahl should be better person to answer this question. If it will, then it needs to be done after bug in MBS is fixed.

I think it'd be more or less the same, but to be safe, we can remove the concurrent build limit after we deploy the bug described in:

I just deployed a new version of MBS which includes the fix mentioned in this comment:

Based on that comment, I think it's safe to remove the limit. I have access to do that since it's an Ansible change. Do I have permission to do that?

Go ahead, I'll keep an eye out and if it causes issues I will revert it and we can revisit (But hopefully it doesn't).

This is set in production now.

Metadata Update from @mprahl:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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