#8757 fedoraproject.org URI as XML namespace
Closed: Fixed 4 years ago by kevin. Opened 4 years ago by zveleba.

We are opensourcing anaconda testing tool and want to use fedoraproject.org URI as XML namespace.

We are considering two options:

Does infrastructure team prefer one or the other? Or would you like to propose different one?

Related mailing list conversations where Matthew Miller brought up the issue of ongoing maintenance:

So, this is simply a namespace, you don't need it to actually point to/resolve to anything?

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on External (was: Needs Review)

4 years ago

So, this is simply a namespace, you don't need it to actually point to/resolve to anything?

Only a namespace, we just want to make sure that everybody is ok with it, and ideally, that it doesn't start to point to something irrelevant in the future.

Thats fine. Go forth!

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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