#8842 Give the channel OP on #buildsys-build for "copr" pagure.io group
Closed: Fixed 4 years ago by nb. Opened 4 years ago by praiskup.

Do you think it would be possible to add the following people to OP list?

$ curl -s https://pagure.io/api/0/group/copr | jq .members

Namely, it isn't clear now who is the immediate point of contact to ping
when something is broken with copr - and this could make the people a bit
more reachable.

@nb can you help on this one or do we need to look elsewhere?

Metadata Update from @smooge:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review)

4 years ago

So, I wonder... the #fedora-buildsys channel was started a long long time ago and was used for plague and mock, then slowly moved to koji things, then copr was added in... the only thing I have seen discussed in years there is copr. Perhaps we should consider moving copr to #fedora-copr or something and retiring #fedora-buildsys? Or is it to ingrained that people will try and go there?


@smooge I'm not on the list of Ops for this channel. Maybe @kevin can help?

the only thing I have seen discussed in years there is copr.

That's probably because the copr frontend page directly mentions this
channel. Few times I've seen also generic mock questions, and koji questions.

Perhaps we should consider moving copr to #fedora-copr or something and retiring #fedora-buildsys?

I don't know. Perhaps it is better to keep things as are..? The OP was just an idea,
because that's the only way how to highlight the users in the user list. We can better
document our nicks in documentation and frontpage, I guess..

@smooge I'm not on the list of Ops for this channel. Maybe @kevin can help?

It seems I am on the access list, but ony with limited perms, so I can't grant you anything. I guess if we want to persue this we need spot to get us perms.

the only thing I have seen discussed in years there is copr.

That's probably because the copr frontend page directly mentions this
channel. Few times I've seen also generic mock questions, and koji questions.

Perhaps we should consider moving copr to #fedora-copr or something and retiring #fedora-buildsys?

I don't know. Perhaps it is better to keep things as are..? The OP was just an idea,
because that's the only way how to highlight the users in the user list. We can better
document our nicks in documentation and frontpage, I guess..

I'm open to whatever, I just thought it might make sense to move channels to be more discoverable... so, let me know what you would like:

1) Just keep it as is (close ticket)

2) keep #fedora-buildsys and add you all as ops (or we could do voice?)

3) move to a new channel

If you would prefer 2, we can do it, but need to recover perms on the channel first.

@praiskup can you discuss with your team and let us know what way you all want to go here?

I'll discuss this on monday meeting, yes.

Any news here? Happy to do whatever you all prefer...

Yes, sorry for late reply... We discussed this and the 2) variant is preferred.

or we could do voice?

Do you mean explicit request? Sure, no problem.

Metadata Update from @nb:
- Issue assigned to nb

4 years ago

@praiskup I will work on this request. I have to send a request to have us get control of this channel, as currently no one has access to change flags. I will let you know when this has been completed.

voice is another state, like 'ops'. It was for channels where you set mode +m on a channel (moderated). In such a channel only people with ops and voice can 'talk'.

But voice is a way to denote people who have different status without giving them ops (they show differently in most irc clients).

voice is another state, like 'ops'. It was for channels where you set
mode +m on a channel (moderated). In such a channel only people with ops
and voice can 'talk'.

Ah, news for me, thanks.

Even though we could have a need to change the topic from time to time..,
the voice status would be basically enough for us if it makes less
troubles to you (as long as we can keep the chat unmoderated of course).

<nb> access #fedora-buildsys add praiskup +ARefiorstv
-ChanServ- Flags +ARefiorstv were set on praiskup in #fedora-buildsys.
<nb> access #fedora-buildsys add msuchy +ARefiorstv
-ChanServ- Flags +ARefiorstv were set on msuchy in #fedora-buildsys.
<nb> access #fedora-buildsys add frostyx +ARefiorstv
-ChanServ- Flags +ARefiorstv were set on FrostyX in #fedora-buildsys.
<nb> access #fedora-buildsys add dturecek +ARefiorstv
-ChanServ- Flags +ARefiorstv were set on dturecek in #fedora-buildsys.
<nb> access #fedora-buildsys add hojang +ARefiorstv
-ChanServ- Flags +ARefiorstv were set on hojang in #fedora-buildsys.
<nb> access #fedora-buildsys add schlupov +ARefiorstv
-ChanServ- Flags +ARefiorstv were set on schlupov in #fedora-buildsys.
<nb> access #fedora-buildsys add thrnciar +ARefiorstv
-ChanServ- Flags +ARefiorstv were set on thrnciar in #fedora-buildsys.

I also went back in and added +O for all of you so that it will auto-op you.

Metadata Update from @nb:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

Seems like @frostyx uses FrostyX nick, sorry I didn't notice before ...

@nb, can you please grant that nick instead?

@nb, can you please grant that nick instead?

It seems to be done now, thank you!

@frostyx, I gave you the OP, but it isn't persistent I suppose

True, I reconnected and it is gone. I am reopening this issue.

@nb can you fix @frostyx and also can you give me perms so I could have done it?

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue status updated to: Open (was: Closed)

4 years ago

I gave nirik +Rfs (he already had everything else).

FrostyX wasn't identified to NickServ but now is.

Metadata Update from @nb:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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