#929 New publictest guest needed for myfedora
Closed: Fixed None Opened 16 years ago by lmacken.

MyFedora requires TurboGears2, which requires SQLAlchemy 0.5. Installing this version of SA on publcitest15 may cause the existing apps (rpmgrok, fas, etc) to explode. It is quite possible to install 0.4 and 0.5 side-by-side, but in the mean time keeping them separate is probably the best idea while we figure the SQLAlchemy compatibility stuff out.

We can probably hold off on this for a little while, if you haven't started it already. I spoke with TurboGears2 upstream, who told me that he does not think that SQLAlchemy 0.5 is a hard requirement, and that it should work fine with 0.4. If this is the case, we should be able to deploy TG2 apps alongside our existing TG1 apps.

Its already done, feel free to use it.


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