#9740 Storage for videos on fedora people
Closed: Fixed 3 years ago by nb. Opened 3 years ago by riecatnor.

Describe what you would like us to do:

We have a lot of video files piling up due to the virtual conferences we have been holding. I am working with @thunderbirdtr on the Videos team to get the files edited, but we need a central place to store the files upon completion. Can we get a space on Fedora People connected to the Videos group in FAS? Also, any input from @chrisroberts - current Videos FAS group owner, would be welcome. We recently tried to contact Chris about awarding the Videos badge, no response, so there is a chance we will need to work on ownership of the group as well if Chris is no longer able or wants to manage it.

Note: we would like to start with 100GB but may need to expand in time.

When do you need this to be done by? (YYYY/MM/DD)

No hard deadline, would be great to have up in the next month or so before F34 release party happens.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

Metadata Update from @smooge:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review)
- Issue tagged with: medium-gain, medium-trouble, ops

3 years ago

Can we get a space on Fedora People connected to the Videos group in FAS?

Any idea how much space would be needed?

Can we get a space on Fedora People connected to the Videos group in FAS?

Any idea how much space would be needed?

-> Note: we would like to start with 100GB but may need to expand in time. <---

Happy to give you space there... but...

/dev/mapper/GuestVolGroup00-project 392G 368G 24G 94% /project

we do not have 100GB of free space there. ;(

So, 3 options:

  1. We setup the project space on fedorapeople and you restruct to ~20GB. This space is backed up.

  2. We could set you up with space on alt. In fact I see there's a videos dir there with old videos? https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/videos/
    That appears controlled by the 'altvideos' group. Most of those folks appear inactive, but we could see if we could repurpose it? This space is on our netapp and synced to a remote dc for disaster recovery.

  3. We could set you up with a s3 amazon bucket. This would have no backups, you would be responsible for any backups or anything.


I suggest option 3 with the following configuration
1. Use object versioning to make sure that nothing gets clobbered.
2. Move anything you don't want to access, but you want to keep to Glacier.

I am an admin of the videos FAS group and can add @riecatnor as an admin also. Yeah, s3 sounds like a good way to go, you can use something like aws s3 sync or s3cmd sync to get the videos there.

I would defer to @thunderbirdtr and other folks preference on which method to go with on this as I am facilitating the video editing and publishing, but not working with this space directly for the most part.

@thunderbirdtr do you have a preference here?

@thunderbirdtr do you have a preference here?

Hello; @kevin

I would also like to see @riecatnor have access for option we gonna use it(She and I already talked about it) Also I would like to select option "3" But before do that, I want to know status of "/alt/videos" how much capacity do we have it ? Or is it basically "connected main server" so we don't think about it ?

Well, it's not 'don't think about it' but it should be large... it's shared with the rest of the fedora master mirror content. I'd say be mindfull and only put things there someone is interested in downloading, but otherwise it should be ok.

Okay, I'll prefer to use option 2 in this case. @riecatnor anything you want to add ?

ok. In that case... @nb: can you add @thunderbirdtr to the videos group and then we can close this out I guess?

Metadata Update from @nb:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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