#9988 I need a RabbitMQ production certificate and key file for the following username: koji-centos
Closed: Fixed 2 years ago by kevin. Opened 3 years ago by rajeshkjiit.

I would like to test the downstream consumer based on the publish as koji for centos

please make it possible by 2021/05/28

Since I am starting a fresh hope a little more detail would help here. I am a redhat associate, since my official id is tied with a troubling account I have to use another one for my account here.
The requested/mentioned user is required for having a publisher/user which can publish centos stream messages update with defined specifics and at will for a service/consumer at downstream. Please ask me for more details in case it helps here.

Metadata Update from @mohanboddu:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review)
- Issue tagged with: medium-gain, medium-trouble, ops

3 years ago

@rajeshkjiit Could you please explain the use case here? Why you need cert/key and what are you going to do with those? What kind of messages are you going to publish on fedora message bus... ?

Also, are those messages meant to be public or private?

@rajeshkjiit Could you please explain the use case here? Why you need cert/key and what are you going to do with those? What kind of messages are you going to publish on fedora message bus... ?

Aim is to publish package update/build messages on the bus , similar to what upstream org.centos.prod.* does. The downstream consumer will has its own workflow and needs to tested and therefore these messages will published on will and with some defined specifics just for this consumer

Also, are those messages meant to be public or private?

By private, do you mean publish messages just for specific consumers? then yes. In this case is there something else needed to be taken care at publisher or at consumer end?

Sorry this dropped off the radar. ;(

I am still not sure I understand the request.

Let me try and ask some questions to clarify. :)

Can you describe what the producer and consumer systems are here?
What does the consumer of the messages do with them?
Why are they listening to/publishing on the fedora message bus?

It might be helpful to schedule some kind of irc or more interactive meeting time to discuss things?
We have a irc infra standup every mon-thursday in #fedora-meeting-1 at 18UTC if you could drop by one of those.

Sorry if we missed a deadline here...

Well , I think we have sorted the requirement for our publisher and consumer to use a some message broker from within the tied infrastructure. The ultimate goal was to send something on the fedora bus for the specific consumer but then we were able to achieve this on our local infrastructure. Thanks any ways, and we can close this ticket

ok. Please do let us know if things change and you still need something here... we are open to discussing! Thanks!

Metadata Update from @kevin:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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