#184 Reduce systemd service timeout on logout to a small number, down from the current default of 120 seconds
Closed: Fixed 9 months ago by siosm. Opened 2 years ago by ngraham.

The Wayland session (which is shipped by default) suffers from an issue with SDDM systemd service not shutting down properly (https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=445449), so logout hangs until the default timeout of 120 seconds is reached, at which point it gets killed, which is fine.

There is currently a patch to SDDM that would fix this: https://github.com/sddm/sddm/pull/1515. However unfortunately it seems stalled, likely because the submitter's country was invaded while the patch was undergoing review, and he has had bigger issues on his mind for the past month.

I expect that PR to eventually get merged. Nevertheless, the issue of systemd services hanging on shutdown is a general one. While we can fix SDDM, it could happen to anything else too. In the interest of improving the UX, it might be worth considering overriding the default timeout to a lower value. The Neon developers apparently have set it to 3 seconds with no long-term adverse effects. Perhaps we could do the same.

This is something that has also been contemplated by Workstation WG in fedora-workstation#163.

@zbyszek was working on it in upstream systemd, last I heard.

Metadata Update from @ngompa:
- Issue assigned to zbyszek
- Issue tagged with: experience

2 years ago

If it ends up happening in Workstation, does Fedora KDE inherit it automatically, or would that be something we explicitly have to opt into?

Metadata Update from @siosm:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora Linux 38

a year ago

According to:
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Shorter_Shutdown_Timer
- https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/systemd/pull-request/85

it looks like this will be done at a system / package wide level thus we will get this change.

But I don't think that's its the best way to do it. Will comment there.

Looks like they decided in https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Shorter_Shutdown_Timer to water down the proposal to reduce it only to 45 seconds from 120.

45 seconds is better, but still so long that users won't stop complaining about it, which defeats the point of the entire initiative. If possible, in the name of UX, I'd recommend we instead be even more aggressive and reduce the timeout to 10 or even 5 seconds for Fedora KDE. IIRC Neon has it at 3 seconds.

I agree, it should be much quicker. 10 I think would be ideal and power users can alter it anyway if they want shorter/longer timeouts.

We should just ship an override for sddm's service units to cut down the timeout, no matter what the core system is doing. 5-10 seconds is probably sufficient for SDDM. There's no serious issues that would keep us from being aggressive there.

I'm going to set it to 5 by default and see if that's sufficient. If we need to lengthen it, we can.

Metadata Update from @ngompa:
- Issue assigned to ngompa (was: zbyszek)

a year ago

This landed in Fedora 38 approximately 6 months ago now so closing.

Metadata Update from @siosm:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

9 months ago

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