#6 add po consolidation for TM
Merged 4 years ago by jibecfed. Opened 4 years ago by jibecfed.

file modified
+13 -8
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ 

  import tempfile

  import yaml


- from shutil import copyfile

+ from shutil import copyfile, copy2

  from translation_finder import discover


  def main():
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ 




+     tm_folder="./tm/f{v}/".format(v=args.release)


      pkgs = []

      for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(srpm_folder):
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ 

              package = [x for x in pkgs if x == args.srpm][0]

              srpm_file = "{srpm}/{a}".format(srpm=srpm_folder, a=package)

              extract_srpm(tmp, srpm_file, result_folder)

-             discover_translations(tmp, package, result_folder)

+             discover_translations(tmp, package, result_folder, tm_folder)


          with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:

              if args.offset:
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ 


                  srpm_file = "{srpm}/{a}".format(srpm=srpm_folder, a=package)

                  extract_srpm(tmp, srpm_file, result_folder)

-                 discover_translations(tmp, package, result_folder)

+                 discover_translations(tmp, package, result_folder, tm_folder)


      subprocess.run(['./concat_csv.sh', result_folder],

@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ 




- def discover_translations(tmp, name, result_folder):

+ def discover_translations(tmp, name, result_folder, tm_folder):

      """find po file"""

      print("discover_translations: "+tmp)

      translation_files = []
@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ 

          for translation in translation_files:

              # TODO: multiple translation files for same package gnome-clocks-3.32.0-1.fc30.src.rpm

              if translation["file_format"] == "po":

-                 get_po_translation_level(tmp, translation, name, result_folder)

+                 get_po_translation_level(tmp, translation, name, result_folder, tm_folder)

              elif translation["file_format"] == "ts":

                  get_ts_translation_level(tmp, translation, name, result_folder)

              elif translation["file_format"] == "json":
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ 


                  unknown_format(tmp, translation, name, translation["file_format"], result_folder)


- def get_po_translation_level(path, mask, name, result_folder):

+ def get_po_translation_level(path, mask, name, result_folder, tm_folder):

      filemask = mask["filemask"]

      print("get_po_translation_level: " + filemask)

@@ -121,12 +122,16 @@ 

      error = open(result_folder + '/{p}.errors.txt'.format(p=name), 'a')

      subprocess.run(["pocount", filemask.split("*")[0], "--csv"],

                     stdout=stats, stderr=error, check=True, cwd=path)

-     print(filemask.split("*")[0])

-     print(os.listdir(path))





+     # Copy translation files in translation memory

+     for po in glob.glob(path +"/"+ filemask):

+         dest = tm_folder +"/"+ name +"/"+ filemask.split("*")[0]

+         os.makedirs(dest, exist_ok=True)

+         copy2(po, dest)


      subprocess.run(["sed", "-i", "-e", "s|{p}|.|g".format(p=path),

                      result_folder + '/{p}.errors.txt'.format(p=name)], check=True)


file added
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ 

+ #!/usr/bin/env python3

+ """Consolidate each po files into compendium"""


+ import argparse

+ import glob

+ import os

+ import subprocess

+ import tempfile


+ def main():

+     """Handle params"""


+     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(

+     description="Creates compendium for every languages")


+     parser.add_argument("--release", required=True, type=int, default=31,

+                         choices=[30, 31],

+                         help="Provide the Fedora release to analyze")


+     parser.add_argument("--lang", required=False, type=str,

+                         help="Filter a language to analyze")


+     args = parser.parse_args()


+     tm_folder="./tm/f{v}/".format(v=args.release)


+     pofiles = glob.glob(tm_folder+'*/*/*.po')

+     po_langs = list(set([ os.path.basename(po) for po in pofiles ]))

+     po_langs.sort()


+     if len(args.lang) > 0:

+         compute_lang(args.lang+".po", tm_folder)

+     else:

+         for langfile in po_langs:

+             compute_lang(langfile, tm_folder)


+ def compute_lang(langfile, tm_folder):

+     """ Generate compendium and convert it to tmx"""

+     lang = os.path.splitext(langfile)[0]

+     print("Creating lang: " + lang)


+     pofiles = glob.glob(tm_folder+'*/*/'+langfile)


+     print(" - po consolidation")

+     compendium_file = tm_folder + lang + ".po"

+     command = ["pocompendium", compendium_file] + pofiles

+     subprocess.run(command, check=True)


+     print("  - po to tmx convertion")

+     tmx_file = tm_folder + lang + ".tmx"

+     command = ["po2tmx", "--language="+lang, "--progress=none",

+                compendium_file, "--output="+tmx_file]

+     subprocess.run(command, check=True)


+     print("  - language terminology")

+     terminology_file = tm_folder + lang + ".terminology.po"

+     command = ["poterminology", "--ignore-case", "--fold-titlecase",

+                 "--inputs-needed", "1",

+                 "--progress=verbose", compendium_file, "--output="+terminology_file]

+     subprocess.run(command, check=True)


+ if __name__ == '__main__':

+     main()


no initial comment

Pull-Request has been merged by jibecfed

4 years ago