#273 Fedora Linux Flatpak cool apps to try for June
Opened 3 months ago by rlengland. Modified 10 days ago

Article Summary:
Present 4 great projects packaged as flatpak

Article Description:
In line with the objective of having more immutable use, the focus is on the projects that are packaged as flatpaks and show interesting projects/apps to the users.

Exact items to-be-determined

Metadata Update from @rlengland:
- Issue assigned to x3mboy
- Issue tagged with: article, needs-image, needs-series

3 months ago

@x3mboy We are approaching May rapidly. Any input on the next instalment of your series?

I will write it tonight. It will be ready for edition tomorrow

I'm sorry, I have a huge new project at work. I will work on it ASAIC, but I can't promise an specific date. I will try to work on 2 or 3 articles in advance

I'm sorry, I have a huge new project at work. I will work on it ASAIC, but I can't promise an specific date. I will try to work on 2 or 3 articles in advance

Life and work come first. We will wait for your contribution. If it needs to slide into next month, so be it.

Thank you for the update.

Perhaps we should change the name of this article to " Fedora Linux Flatpak cool apps to try for June" :-)

We can let this be a place holder for when you have time. If you want we can move it to the "ideas" category and the editors will stop "bugging" you about it. Let us know your thoughts.

Actually your "bugging" is a great reminder, please don't stop. Yes, let's move to June

@x3mboy June is approaching.

:-) Consider yourself "bugged" again :-)

@x3mboy Another bugging message :bug:

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