#244 Should Fedora Magazine have an editorial schedule?
Closed: Not possible 6 years ago Opened 8 years ago by bex.

To help drive ideas around themes for articles

@bex Curious, could you elaborate on what you mean by this? To some extent, we do, but I would be curious to know what your thoughts were here.

Right, we hold a weekly meeting and in each set of minutes we include the next week or so's planned schedules. There are sometimes other notes on ideas for future articles as well. The Magazine itself holds pitches (ideas), too.

On top of this, we encourage series articles, but in general the consensus has been not to run a series until someone produces, say, three articles to show commitment. Otherwise we underdeliver on a promise. We've been talking about an additional "continuing series" which doesn't have a definite endpoint, similar to "How Do You Fedora?".

Like @jflory7, I'd be interested in a more detailed question/proposal here, too.

While it is a very different type of publication, opensource.com maintains this:


We could, I suspect, come up with themes such as Aug/Sept being about articles targeted at student needs, maybe May/June Photography (in prep for northern hemisphere vacations), etc.

I like the idea, but to pull this off we need to organize writers, and also we need to have clear rules, e.g.: If we are in the week of Inkscape, this weeks articles out of Inkscape are not allowed to be published.

Somehow I never saw your reply @pfrields I'll address some of it here:

Right, we hold a weekly meeting and in each set of minutes we include the next week or so's planned schedules. There are sometimes other notes on ideas for future articles as well. The Magazine itself holds pitches (ideas), too.

I think the benefit of the calendar is that might encourage writers who are otherwise un-engaged with our planning process to write on the upcoming topics.

On top of this, we encourage series articles, but in general the consensus has been not to run a series until someone produces, say, three articles to show commitment. Otherwise we underdeliver on a promise. We've been talking about an additional "continuing series" which doesn't have a definite endpoint, similar to "How Do You Fedora?".

I am very +1 on show up with three articles.

Like @jflory7, I'd be interested in a more detailed question/proposal here, too.

I like the idea, but to pull this off we need to organize writers, and also we need to have clear rules, e.g.: If we are in the week of Inkscape, this weeks articles out of Inkscape are not allowed to be published.

With sufficient lead time, we shouldn't have a problem delaying articles or running them early. I also would not like to see us exclusively run content on only one topic at a time. My hope is that with a calendar we can bring in more writers because they can plan for when their favorite topic rolls around.

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue set to the milestone: None (was: Fedora 25)
- Issue tagged with: meeting

7 years ago

I want to jump into this. How we should proceed? Should we set a topic list and then publish it in the commblog and the ML?

I want to jump into this. How we should proceed? Should we set a topic list and then publish it in the commblog and the ML?

Based on what I recall hearing in the Marketing presentation to the council (I was on my way to a flight so my apologies if my memories are incorrect), it sounds like the next step would be for marketing to come up with a list of topics and proposed timing and explain why those topics and times matter. Then Magazine and CommBlog can add their input.

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue untagged with: meeting

7 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: no deadline (was: minor (3-4 weeks))
- Issue set to the milestone: Future releases

7 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Assignee reset

6 years ago

I talked with the Magazine team, and this idea doesn't look like a great way to work with the magazine at the moment. The process we have now is working and this doesn't feel like adding any value to the Magazine.

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue close_status updated to: Not possible
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

yes I agree with fedora magazine editorial schedule because it is helpful for enthusiast and contributers(writers)too.Contributers will get enough time and space to research on their topics and Enthusiast get to know in advance about magazine schedule.Best part is time constraint everyone can fit themselves in our specified schedule.

Amit Sharma

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