I was doing some thinking about Fedora Marketing and wound up reading through some of the F26 Changes. I realized that out template doesn't seem to specifically call out some data would be helpful to the outreach teams (Marketing, Ambassadors, Magazine, etc.) in promoting our releases.
I'd like to consider expanding the "Benefits to Fedora" and "User Experience" sections of the Changes template. I am thinking of: (note all examples are hypothetical and possibly wrong)
1.5 Benefits to Fedora (complete all that apply)
1.5.1 Benefits to Fedora (technical)
Describe the technical benefits of this change. This is how the change makes the distribution technically better. For example:
1.5.2 Benefits to Fedora (distribution)
Address the benefits of this change to the Fedora Distribution as a whole or the specific Editions/Spins/etc. it applies too. This section is for the benefits to the project. For example:
1.9 User Experience (complete all that apply)
1.9.1 User Experience (technical)
Describe the specific interactions that will change for the user. For example:
1.9.2 User Experience (beneficial)
Why is this change good for users? How does it help them be more productive? What is the benefit of this change? For example:
I believe these sections will help drive our changes into a story for our users and show that we are making decisions for the distribution to benefit our users. We do that today but we aren't necessarily telling our users about it. I hope this data will help the outreach groups do even more in the way of sharing this story.
I'd appreciate your feedback on this. Will this actually help the outreach teams?
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue priority set to: no deadline - Issue set to the milestone: Future releases - Issue tagged with: needs feedback, release preparation
Metadata Update from @x3mboy: - Issue tagged with: meeting
As a current member of FESCo, I'm in favor of this. The "Changes" template as it is currently tries to get the change owner to help the marketing effort by describing why the change is important, but doesn't seem to elicit enough detail to really help the marketing of the change. As such, I think a more descriptive template (like the examples above) would be helpful to guide the change owners to provide more detail.
What would you suggest as the next step @jsmith? I don't want to see the change process become so burdensome that people avoid it, but I also want to make sure we are prepared to take changes beyond the bits shipping.
I think the next logical step is to build a "patch" or two for change templates (Self-contained changes and System-wide changes), and then open a FESCo ticket with the proposed changes.
Metadata Update from @bt0dotninja: - Issue assigned to bt0dotninja
Just the patch
<img alt="change2changes.patch" src="/fedora-marketing/issue/raw/files/b212833149dad842515b2e928dc535f0129fc4dc973606dc06c64b616165c251-change2changes.patch" />
FESCo Ticket https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1868
Metadata Update from @x3mboy: - Issue untagged with: meeting
FESCo discuss the ticket and decided update the changes template taking in account some ideas from the marketing proposal[1].
the agreed changes are here:
The user experience section becomes mandatory :grin:
this looks fine for me, what says the mktg team??
[1] https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/fesco/fesco.2018-04-20-15.06.html
Closing as fixed, FESCo did changes for a better changes page.
Metadata Update from @bt0dotninja: - Issue close_status updated to: Completed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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