Please see
It would be nice to have marketing develop messaging for a card that we could use at events. The card seems like it should serve several functions:
CC: @searchsam
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue priority set to: no deadline - Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 27 (to Nov. 2017) - Issue tagged with: meeting, needs feedback, outreach
Contain a way to provide contact information for the giver of the card.
Would this make them essentially like business cards? My concern is that unless we had a common email to standardize, it would be trickier to produce them with individual addresses.
As a whole, though, I love this idea. I'd prefer ordering a thousand of these over DVDs in areas where install media doesn't make sense.
Contain a way to provide contact information for the giver of the card. Would this make them essentially like business cards? My concern is that unless we had a common email to standardize, it would be trickier to produce them with individual addresses.
These would never be customized. I'd just like the design to include enough white space for someone to put an email address on the bottom, if appropriate. Basically we need to be able to add notes for customizing them without having to presage what everyone will need and printing lots of stuff.
I saw them used this way in China - it really worked. I think this is transportable to other places.
I would totally carry these around next to my "real" business cards. I run into people who ask how to get Fedora. This would be much stickier.
It is an awesome idea, @duffy made some observations, I'm trying to reach @searchsam to talk about this ticket, I hope we can propose a design than follows the official guidelines
The idea is to people to handwrite something that ends with the e.g: or
As a whole, though, I love this idea. I'd prefer ordering a thousand of these over DVDs in areas where install media doesn't make sense. +1000s
Another +1000s
About the wording, that is the real issue that have the design team (The thing with the typeface is their issue, not ours):
URLs in front side: If the problem is that is different to the at the end (that serve a different purpose) we can just change it to because it will be redirected.
URL in the back side: using or using is the same, they have the same purpose (also join.fp.o is not the page of the Join SIG, is general information about how to join any SIG). As it's stated in the wiki (the page redirected by join.fp.o):
WhatCanIDoForFedora also gives the same information as this wiki page, but interactively.
Messaging: "Join us, you can be a hero" I think is referred to the call for testers campaign ( I think if we are going to use this as a new contributor attraction, we can consult Ambassadors about how they approach to people, some ideas that comes to my mind now are:
Hi everyone, for me the problem is to decidethe target public of this card, as said @x3mboy. Will it be to attract new contributors or new users? I am already working on a version of the card that follows the design guidelines.
I think both of these urls are important. is clearly a download url. The other url is more of a "writing space" url. I would hate to have someone confused about how to download because the url got additional directional text added to it.
URL in the back side: using or using is the same, they have the same purpose (also join.fp.o is not the page of the Join SIG, is general information about how to join any SIG). As it's stated in the wiki (the page redirected by join.fp.o): WhatCanIDoForFedora also gives the same information as this wiki page, but interactively.
I am highly opposed to redirecting people into the wiki as a general rule. I strongly believe this needs to be
Messaging: "Join us, you can be a hero" I think is referred to the call for testers campaign ( I think if we are going to use this as a new contributor attraction, we can consult Ambassadors about how they approach to people, some ideas that comes to my mind now are: Fedora is more than an OS, we a great Community. Join US! We are not only code. Join US! DevOps, SysAdmins, Writers, Designers and more. Find your spot here!
Fedora is more than an OS, we a great Community. Join US! We are not only code. Join US! DevOps, SysAdmins, Writers, Designers and more. Find your spot here!
These are good starts. None of them completely speak to me. The last one seeming to be the best of the lot. I haven't got any better ideas though hence a marketing ticket :)
I believe the card should target contributors while not being completely useless to users. Hence the retention of the url in my comment above.
I'm agree with @bex the target will be the potential contributors and I think the best entry point is (I'm here for wcidff ) not only is visually beautiful, can guide the process of select the best part of the project to contribute with the current skills of the potential contributor.
Metadata Update from @bt0dotninja: - Issue assigned to bt0dotninja
ping @searchsam
We can agreed here with the URLs point:
We can discuss about the Message then. Any ideas beyond the already named?
Can we have your opinions? @bex @bt0dotninja @duffy @jflory7 @searchsam @mailga
Does the card need a slogan? If we just listed the types of things we provided/solved it might both last longer and not distract from the conversation that led to the card being handed over.
Workstations * Servers * Robotics ... etc. would that be better?
@mattdm CC
The three URLs you are discussing:
1) == Try our software! 2) == See how the sausage is made! 3) == Help us!
I think it's a bit odd to ask someone to help with something they've never used, and also to have them read the infrastructure info for software they've not really used?
These are different audiences I think. It's presumptuous to ask someone to work on something they don't know much about; it's off-putting to have them walk through the "backdoor" (the wiki) because guests are better served through the "front door" (
What type of events will these cards be used at? What kind of people are going to be reached at these events?
Sorry for the absence, I was disconnected for work reasons, but I'm back and I'm ready.
From reading through the comments again, it seems like the core audience here is someone you have a conversation with at a Fedora event booth, so that they can keep in touch with you afterwards. It's unclear to me whether or not they are potential users, current users / potential contributors, or both - I only have my own event experience where usually the people who come up to me are:
I think probably something that would be useful would be for cases 2 and 3: for 2, I might want the person to walk way with a URL or bug # to look up or a particular person to contact, etc. for 3, it really could be anything - i might talk to them about a particular fedora spin, or a particular process within fedora, or just name a concept or project or person for them to look up * for both, it would be handy for the person to have my contact info and name.
So this could address that need:
<img alt="mockup-01.png" src="/fedora-marketing/issue/raw/files/d2a7ced7d059d495e5aa90e7435c7fa079cef92d32a742dbcc272cfdc3056f7c-mockup-01.png" />
I love it, just think about the notes section should have more urls like
I like it.
Since is in the front side, the back side can have I think that removing the "email" and the "@" can be skipped. As we comment before, if we want to redirect someone to a spin ( or a specific URL like or even for the email address as is intended in the current version.
i dont understand the narrative here for pointing someone at can you walk me through it? are people directed there at events frequently? is it a good experience or are we sending them to the pit? are the links on there maintained?
@x3mboy if the @ is removed i dont think itll be clear its an email address? the email label can be dropped wo ambiguity tho. i thought the point was contact with a person? you want a as well? maybe we should just come up with standard short urls?
I understand @duffy point of view, it would not make sense for the card to have a name without email, so it would lose all the sense of have name and mail.
The @x3mboy idea of not having a specific mail space, the original idea of the ticket was to have a presentation card "This is fedora, know it" from there comes the idea of having a url * because that person may need go to another url that is not the email.
Thinking about the ussue I realized we are directing the idea where it is not, this card would be to have several on the table (I would like to include as part of the swag) for the people who only come to see take one and may have link or urls of the basic information about fedora without having to really talk to them no matter is a potential user or a potential collaborator, this because there is not always time to talk to everyone.
And if someone would like a card to get in touch with you give this person a personal card of the Fedora business cards (by the way, the card you designed, I love it), in case this person needs or looks for more specific information beyond what is on the card, the space * is used to generate a url at the moment and provide this person at least one link to the wiki to find information.
i think if peopl are coming by the table to take info, they should be grabbing the brochure not the card. the size of a card is appropriate as a reference to a more detailed conversation. for a situation w no conversational context, a brochure is more appropriate in length. dont you think?
Yes, it could be more appropriate, as long as it is small, comfortable and easy to read at first sight, it is more a flyer than a brochure, about the size of a quarter of a letter sheet, because the portability and convenience of manipulation is the objective , so that the collaborator as for who takes it.
Another strong point of the card is its durability, this generates the possibility of being transferred to a third person after a user.
@bex what do you think about the idea of changing the card for a flyer or brochure?
Maybe we can replace the back URL for wcidff URL, I think it's easy to say,
Hi, I'm "so-and-so" and you can stay in touch with me in this email, these urls or Notes (on the back side of the card) can help you and if it was useful or you liked the presentation and you think "Hey, I can help in the Fedora Project" check this last URL.
Every ambassador talk/ technical presentation/ Release party is full of potential contributors and this card can help a lot the on boarding process.
The card proposed by @duffy is very cool even if it not have wcidff url if we can't add wcidff url i vote +1 for this card If we can i vote +9999
I like this new proposed design, as I think it addresses all the necessary issues.
From reading through the comments again, it seems like the core audience here is someone you have a conversation with at a Fedora event booth, so that they can keep in touch with you afterwards. It's unclear to me whether or not they are potential users, current users / potential contributors, or both - I only have my own event experience where usually the people who come up to me are: (1) already Fedora contributors and want to socialize (2) Fedora users looking for help / tech support or (3) are not involved with Fedora but have heard of it and the conversation can branch out from there I think probably something that would be useful would be for cases 2 and 3: for 2, I might want the person to walk way with a URL or bug # to look up or a particular person to contact, etc. for 3, it really could be anything - i might talk to them about a particular fedora spin, or a particular process within fedora, or just name a concept or project or person for them to look up * for both, it would be handy for the person to have my contact info and name. So this could address that need:
(1) already Fedora contributors and want to socialize (2) Fedora users looking for help / tech support or (3) are not involved with Fedora but have heard of it and the conversation can branch out from there
I think probably something that would be useful would be for cases 2 and 3: for 2, I might want the person to walk way with a URL or bug # to look up or a particular person to contact, etc. for 3, it really could be anything - i might talk to them about a particular fedora spin, or a particular process within fedora, or just name a concept or project or person for them to look up * for both, it would be handy for the person to have my contact info and name. So this could address that need:
The idea of (WCIDFF) wes to direct people to a place where they can start as contributor. I used it a lot in events, but now it looks buggy (an error with the certificate) so it's useless right now.
I really love this design. Can we have this closed and accepted? cc @searchsam @bex @bt0dotninja
I am very happy with @duffy proposal, I would like to have a version in Spanish and if it is possible to add it to the swap.
My challenge with the proposal is that it isn't actually a useful card on its own. It is also unclear to me how often we need to give some such extensive notes.
The original card seemed to allow for several things this card doesn't: 1. Trivial, quick listing of an email address or website 2. Value without adding any information
This card sort of does Number 1 for email addresses but doesn't really do it for anything else quickly. This card also has little value without spending time writing on it.
I liked the original card having links to both a join website and a download website. We've lost the default how to contribute option here. When we aren't handing out media or brochures, I envision this card doing both. The original card was also useful to be "carried in your wallet" and handed out in an impromptu situation. This card is less valuable that way.
Do we need two pieces of collateral to accomplish this? That feels like overkill. Can we get some more opinions from active ambassadors?
Regardless of the final design, it'd be great if we could get SVGs that are easy to localize out of this. I'd also like to add the final designs to the business card program.
Regardless of the final design, it'd be great if we could get SVGs that are easy to localize out of this. >I'd also like to add the final designs to the business card program.
Do we have a final agreement here?
@x3mboy aiui @searchsam is restarting the work on this.
Hi @searchsam
what do you thing to update this design ?
Metadata Update from @bt0dotninja: - Issue untagged with: meeting
I made this proposal based on the duffy proposal and taking into consideration the content of the original card.
<img alt="proposal.svg.png" src="/fedora-marketing/issue/raw/files/0c61fe5032c460eaec0880b726098f85b301523fba45315f44516ddf019d1bed-proposal.svg.png" />
I feel like the two sides of the card don't "match." The icons side feels very different from the information bubbles side. It feels more cluttered to me and I am not a fan of the people icons.
I still believe the information side of the card should have enough space to add a specific url, such as or This side of the original card ( provided that at the bottom.
I think if the marketing team does not feel the need for this card to exist, it is not necessary to do it. On the other hand several ambassadors expressed how practical and useful it would be to have it. From the point of view of design is not a presentation card itself, this generates a confusion when deciding what design. So what we really need to answer is do we really need this card?
I made a kind of update of the original card as a starting point.
<img alt="proposal.svg.png" src="/fedora-marketing/issue/raw/files/62ffa9b32f51a99c462960e493dc4c7449b6dffd4d24d1fbc0e68a8ef13bac58-proposal.svg.png" />
i loved this one
I'm liking this onea lot @searchsam. Could we center on the second "line" of the S? This lets me put bex@ in front of it and /wiki/arm-is-awesome after it as needed.
Is this ok.
<img alt="proposal.png" src="/fedora-marketing/issue/raw/files/01c5fd4af52131c6773aad0fcd4d48e0f05a5f6095eb2a31c97979725f2eb60f-proposal.png" />
@searchsam I like it
Metadata Update from @bt0dotninja: - Issue tagged with: meeting
i loved it, can this will be the final version? @bex @x3mboy @searchsam
+1 final version.
+1 to this. What sould be the next step @bex? To produce it? or asking in the design's pagure about the design @searchsam did?
Metadata Update from @x3mboy: - Issue untagged with: meeting - Issue set to the milestone: Future releases (was: Fedora 27 (to Nov. 2017))
Metadata Update from @x3mboy: - Issue close_status updated to: Completed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
@x3mboy did we produce these cards?
@amsharma I think we didn't, but since we are agreed in the design and messaging, now you should be able to request them via Mindshare funding for events.
Can someone point me at the final Fedora Design approved versions so I can get some printed up in our swag depot?
This would be the approved art.
<img alt="card.svg.png" src="/fedora-marketing/issue/raw/files/da8b37f4142c03270913711db765342e3a3b4d49ef8bb6a428f4e0647cf75c62-card.svg.png" />
This is the editable file.
<img alt="card.svg" src="/fedora-marketing/issue/raw/files/3198e9127388630a4911eab751788238e5a7256202f68760b4a759dde5e9b4d8-card.svg" />
Thanks @x3mboy It will be nice to have some at flock.
I think it should say "Join the community" not "Join to the community"
Here is the change.
<img alt="card.svg.png" src="/fedora-marketing/issue/raw/files/2a4cb0eb0369a352bc7591f3c0c2075e33c546964bde4d9bfdeb949acf11bc12-card.svg.png" />
And editable file.
<img alt="card.svg" src="/fedora-marketing/issue/raw/files/f54971de048325a09dfeab236cb85f506ddf6e1430a3789247d67311179ee6a1-card.svg" />
Can I please get a print ready copy of each side of each card in PDF format. Has this been approved by design?
The back of the card design doesn't leave much room for notes which I thought was the original point. I'm also unsure if is the right place to point people?
IIRC there was a desire to not have too much blank space on the back of the card. I also think there is rarely going to be time for extensive notes. I am not blocking either way.
I believe that is the best url given the activities of the Join SIG.
Metadata Update from @bex: - Issue status updated to: Open (was: Closed)
@bex @searchsam I've commented the design#532 asking for reopen the design ticket, since from my POV, we agreed about the content.
cc @duffy
I'm trying to get some feedback about this from the design team.
Metadata Update from @x3mboy: - Issue close_status updated to: Not possible - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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