#257 Fedora Podcast Serie
Closed 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by x3mboy.

I have this idea for a while, so I hope we can discuss this and come up with a topic list for at least 10 episodes of the Fedora Podcast.

In first place I think we need to decide where to host the podcasts: Since I want to be the "chairman" of these 10 episodes (if someone else wants to, please volunteer yourself) I'm thinking in hosting this in my fp.o, since I just have 2 files there.

For the topic list I have this proposals:

1.- Matthew Miller spoke above the Fedora Project and the Fedora Community: Interview with @mattdm (He said he was willing to be interviewed for a podcast serie) about what the Fedora Project is, its scope, and how is the work with the Fedora Community.
2.- Ambassadors: "The face of Fedora": A little speak about this group that have to face general public in events, organize them (the events) and they should try to drive people inside the community. Here I would like to interview a FAmSCo member or at least 2 ambassadors from different regions.
3.- Fedora Magazine: The news portal of the Fedora Community: Here I would like to interview @pfrields or @ryanlerch about the magazine: What is? What to expect from the Magazine? and Futures plans for it.
4.- Atomic: The Fedora's next-generation cloud product: Here I want to talk about this fast-paced release of Fedora: What is? What the Atomic SIG is doing? An interview with @dustymabe will be nice.
5.- Infrastructure: The team behind the Distro: Here I would like to introduce the Infra Team to the world, how the infrastructure is maintained and who is the people behind the iron. Here I would like to interview anyone of the team, maybe Kevin or Patrick.

If you think about better ideas, or topics, please comment. I've been thinking in using Ring to interview people because is free, it's easy to record the calls, and I've been testing the quality and is really good. For editing I always use audacity for audio, so probably I will use it again.

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue tagged with: meeting, needs feedback

6 years ago

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue assigned to x3mboy

6 years ago

topic proposal Fedora Modularization: Boltron server

We could interview @langdon

(I think this is huge and nobody talks about it)

topic proposal Fedora Modularization: Boltron server
We could interview @langdon
(I think this is huge and nobody talks about it)

Now we have 6 topics. Anything else?

As was discussed in the latest meeting, I'm going to split the 2nd topic, and the final list for the first season will be like this:

  1. Matthew Miller spoke above the Fedora Project and the Fedora Community: Interview with @mattdm (He said he was willing to be interviewed for a podcast serie) about what the Fedora Project is, its scope, and how is the work with the Fedora Community.
  2. Ambassadors: "The face of Fedora": A little speak about this group that have to face general public in events, organize them (the events) and they should try to drive people inside the community. Here I would like to interview a FAmSCo member or at least 2 ambassadors from different regions.
  3. Mindshare: "The outreach leadership in Fedora". A little speak with @robyduck will be really useful. The idea will be to make the public to know how this will work and what are the gols of Mindshare Commitee.
  4. Fedora Magazine: The news portal of the Fedora Community: Here I would like to interview @pfrields or @ryanlerch about the magazine: What is? What to expect from the Magazine? and Futures plans for it.
  5. Atomic: The Fedora's next-generation cloud product: Here I want to talk about this fast-paced release of Fedora: What is? What the Atomic SIG is doing? An interview with @dustymabe will be nice.
  6. Infrastructure: The team behind the Distro: Here I would like to introduce the Infra Team to the world, how the infrastructure is maintained and who is the people behind the iron. Here I would like to interview anyone of the team, maybe Kevin or Patrick.
  7. Fedora Modularization: "The Boltron server": Introducing the people into Fedora Modularization. Interview with @langdon would be nice.

The first episode is now recorded and edited. I will close this ticket when is published, with the probably date of Friday February 16.

Locations are here:

Spotify is pending to be used.

@x3mboy if you need any help with asciibinder, let me know.

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue untagged with: meeting, needs feedback

6 years ago

@x3mboy if you need any help with asciibinder, let me know.

Asciibinder? Why?

@x3mboy if you need any help with asciibinder, let me know.

Asciibinder? Why?

The first link you posted is an Asciibinder site, it appears

@x3mboy if you need any help with asciibinder, let me know.
Asciibinder? Why?

The first link you posted is an Asciibinder site, it appears

Oh yes, but it's only the HTML template, the code is plain HTML

@x3mboy if you need any help with asciibinder, let me know.
Asciibinder? Why?
The first link you posted is an Asciibinder site, it appears

Oh yes, but it's only the HTML template, the code is plain HTML

oh cool

Hello, just for info.
I used this tool https://github.com/agermanidis/autosub in order to generate subtitles. The tool make use of Google Web Speech API

autosub -S en FedoraPodcastEpisode_001.ogg

The autogenerated subtitles are not perfect (like the ones autogenerated on youtube), but for a non native english speaker like me, it could be still useful.

The autogenerated subtitles are not perfect

Pretty far from perfection :-)

The podcast is going really good. I will close this ticket as Completed, but I really hope that I can continue the serie for at least 7 more episodes.

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

Yes, it is. Expect news next week ;-)

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue close_status updated to: None (was: Complete)

3 years ago

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