#1 F33 Virtual Release Party Dates
Closed 4 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 4 years ago by riecatnor.

This is a ticket to accumulate preferences for dates for the F33 Virtual Release Party.

How it will be structured is being worked on by the Mindshare Committee. The general idea will most likely shape up to be something like:
- We will use HopIn, length of the event is determined by the platform (72 hours)
- 1 or 2 "global sessions" organized by leadership on each day (3-6 total)
- an unlimited number of "local" sessions submitted by the community (???)
- could be by team
- could be by location
- could be by language

For now the first step is to choose dates. We are looking at three different weekends (Fri, Sat, & Sun) to schedule the event. 

The options are as following:
1. November 6th - 8th
2. November 13th - 15th
3. November 20th-22nd

Please indicate your preference for a date.
If you would like to help organize a session, please note that as well.


November 13th - 15th

Hope that's not pushing the folks building the release at all. As well, doesn't crowd the US Thanksgiving day travel and celebrations.

Thanks @riecatnor for opening this up.
November 6th - 8th works for me.

Hey @riecatnor Both November 6th -8th and November 20th - 22nd sounds good to me.

November 14th is the date for Diwali this year and as such, the weekend of 13th-15th November wouldn't be a good option for India.

I would also love to help organize a session. :-)

November 6th - 8th sounds great for me

November 6th - 8th SGTM :)

Looking at Diwali and thanksgiving,
my preference would be November 6th - 8th

Hi! We have reviewed this in the Mindshare Committee meeting and we are going to move forward with the dates of November 6-8th. Thank you for your input!

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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