#4 Write a "Coming back" article
Closed 3 years ago by computerkid. Opened 3 years ago by computerkid.

We should write a article about season 2 for th Fedora Magazine. @michaeltunnell has requested it also possibly go to Frontpagelinux.com

Maybe something like this?

Fedora Podcast is back

Fedora Marketing has brought back the fedora podcast! We have a new and improved editing workflow that remains completely FOSS, a new website, and exciting new reviews and discussion. To kick off our second run we are going to talk with Timothée Ravier of Fedora Kinoite, and cover some news. There will also be some talk about the amazing things that Fedora Project makes outside of our awesome distro. Join us at https://podcast.fedoraproject.org, or where ever you get your podcasts.

Metadata Update from @computerkid:
- Issue set to the milestone: Get Season 2 going

3 years ago

The areticle is ok, but we also should mention the already ready episode 11, that is an interview with Ben Cotton, the FPgM

Can you write something a little longer?

I'll take a stab and post it here. Also @x3mboy , @michaeltunnell would like to publish the good news of it coming back on his frontpagelinux.com . Thoughts?

Metadata Update from @computerkid:
- Issue priority set to: Get this done now

3 years ago

Draft 2.0

Fedora Podcast is back

The Fedora Marketing Team has brought back the Fedora Podcast! We have a new and improved editing workflow that remains completely FOSS. We also have a new host joining us, Grayson! He's known as computerkid around the community, uses Fedora, and loves the awesome Fedora community.

To kick off our second run we are going to talk with Ben Cotton the Fedora Program Manager, who edits the blog and magazine. In addition we'll speak with Timothée Ravier of Fedora Kinoite, and cover some news! In Season 2 we want to have an extra focus on the amazing things that Fedora Project makes outside of our awesome distro. You can send us email at podcast@fedoraproject.org. Join Eduard and Grayson at https://podcast.fedoraproject.org, or where ever you get your podcasts.

Metadata Update from @computerkid:
- Issue assigned to computerkid

3 years ago

x3mboy, thoughts on the above post?

Fedora Podcast is back

The Fedora Marketing Team has brought back the Fedora Podcast! We have a new and improved editing workflow that remains completely FOSS. We also have a new host joining us, Grayson! He's known as computerkid around the community, uses Fedora, and loves the awesome Fedora community.

What's new?

Aside of the big news about our new host, we also want to announce the new website https://podcast.fedoraproject.org, thanks to the collaboration of the Fedora teams: Infra, design, websites and marketing.

The new season

To kick off our second run we are going to talk with Ben Cotton the Fedora Program Manager, who edits the blog and magazine. In addition we'll speak with Timothée Ravier of Fedora Kinoite, and cover some news! In Season 2 we want to have an extra focus on the amazing things that Fedora Project makes outside of our awesome distro.

Contact us

We are always looking for your feedback to improve, and there are several way to help! You can send us email at podcast@fedoraproject.org, you can write on our forum (Non-existing right now, looking for a category on discussion.fp.o), or join us on matrix #fedora-podcast:matrix.org (we should discuss if we want this to be public). Join Eduard and Grayson at https://podcast.fedoraproject.org, or where ever you get your podcasts.

So, I think that it's a good idea to have a synchronized audience chat, but I think we should also have a sync production chat. We can either keep them together, or we can separate them. I would say, we keep them together, until the channel becomes to crowded, then we break it out.

So, I think that it's a good idea to have a synchronized audience chat, but I think we should also have a sync production chat. We can either keep them together, or we can separate them. I would say, we keep them together, until the channel becomes to crowded, then we break it out.


Fedora Podcast is back

The Fedora Marketing Team has brought back the Fedora Podcast! We have a new and improved editing workflow that remains completely FOSS. We also have a new host joining us, Grayson! He's known as computerkid around the community, uses Fedora, and loves the awesome Fedora community.

What's new?

Aside of the big news about our new host, we also want to announce the new website https://podcast.fedoraproject.org, thanks to the collaboration of the Fedora teams: Infra, design, websites and marketing.

The new season

To kick off our second run we are going to talk with Ben Cotton the Fedora Program Manager, who edits the blog and magazine. In addition we'll speak with Timothée Ravier of Fedora Kinoite, and cover some news! In Season 2 we want to have an extra focus on the amazing things that Fedora Project makes outside of our awesome distro.

Contact us

We are always looking for your feedback to improve, and there are several way to help! You can send us email at podcast@fedoraproject.org, you can write on our forum (Non-existing right now, looking for a category on discussion.fp.o), or join us on matrix #fedora-podcast:matrix.org (we should discuss if we want this to be public). Join Eduard and Grayson at https://podcast.fedoraproject.org, or where ever you get your podcasts.

So is this our final draft? Obviously we need to wait until we have a forum, and then remove the little notes. @michaeltunnell , I want to know what you think, as a version of this will end up on FPL

Metadata Update from @computerkid:
- Issue tagged with: Mention in next meeting

3 years ago

Does our Forum exist yet? And is this our final draft?

The forum exists and the article is already in the magazine instance

The forum exists and the article is already in the magazine instance

Could you send me a link to the article?

I put it in the magazine but I made them aware that it couldn't be pushed yet, until we are ready to start

Okay, so the website is in the magazine, but won't go public until we are ready to go. Closing this issue.

Metadata Update from @computerkid:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

Fedora Podcast is back

The Fedora Marketing Team has brought back the Fedora Podcast! We have a new and improved editing workflow that remains completely FOSS. We also have a new host joining us, Grayson! He's known as computerkid around the community, uses Fedora, and loves the awesome Fedora community.

What's new?

Aside of the big news about our new host, we also want to announce the new website https://podcast.fedoraproject.org, thanks to the collaboration of the Fedora teams: Infra, design, websites and marketing.

The new season

To kick off our second run we are going to talk with Ben Cotton the Fedora Program Manager, who edits the blog and magazine. In addition we'll speak with Timothée Ravier of Fedora Kinoite, and cover some news! In Season 2 we want to have an extra focus on the amazing things that Fedora Project makes outside of our awesome distro.

Contact us

We are always looking for your feedback to improve, and there are several way to help! You can send us email at podcast@fedoraproject.org, you can write on our forum https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/c/project/podcast/67, or join us on matrix #fedora-podcast:matrix.org. Join Eduard and Grayson at https://podcast.fedoraproject.org, or where ever you get your podcasts.

Metadata Update from @computerkid:
- Issue status updated to: Open (was: Closed)

3 years ago

If we do the live stream #35 we should put that into the article

Article is ready to be published once we decide the date (Now blocked by #14)

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue assigned to x3mboy (was: computerkid)
- Issue marked as blocking: #14
- Issue marked as depending on: #14

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @computerkid:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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