#48 Upload episodes to Fedora Infrastructure
Closed 2 years ago by computerkid. Opened 2 years ago by x3mboy.

Episodes of season 2 aren't uploaded to the alternative storage we have in the Fedora Infrastructure. The place information is this:

Server: secondary01.fedoraproject.org
Path: /srv/pub/alt/podcasts/

Are you suggesting that we upload them? If so, could you explain why?

@x3mboy and I discussed this on a video call last night.
This could be used as a backup for the Episodes, in case I lose them, or some other issue.
I would suggest we upload high quality WAVs, to use as a backup
To do this, I need to get access to the storage. I think @x3mboy is working on that?

Metadata Update from @computerkid:
- Issue assigned to x3mboy
- Issue priority set to: Get this done now (was: Someday, get this done)

2 years ago

I added you to hosted-content so you should be able to upload there now.

Okay, I'm uploading all the episodes we've published in Season two.

Metadata Update from @computerkid:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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