#56 Spotify publication policy
Closed 2 years ago by x3mboy. Opened 2 years ago by x3mboy.

There is an issue going on with Spotify that has surfaced now because an artist request his music to be deleted over "COVID misinformation spread". The problem is not he leaving the platform, but what Spotify claimed they did:

We have detailed content policies in place and we've removed over 20,000 podcast episodes related to COVID since the start of the pandemic.

I've looked all policies but never find the policy related to that. I just found one related to fundraising where they say something about COVID misinformation.

I don't think we should remove our content but we should keep an eye on how is this continue developing.

This is irrelevant to the Fedora Podcast, since we're not talking about COVID on the podcast. Not to mention, we're not going to do anything that crosses into that realm.

I agree, I don't think this is not a danger to us.

Agreed! But as part of the work is to look for this stuff and double-check with the team. Thanks for your comments

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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