#12 Announcment web page.
Closed: Wontfix None Opened 15 years ago by johannbg.

The idea behind this page is that it is an addition to being able to get announcement
and other vital information to the end user.

That page could be added to planet fedora

A bookmark for that page be added to Fedora Project bookmarks in web browser we ship.

The end user could subscribe to it using the various rss atom feed subscribe apps out there

An *DE application could be created to fetch an rss or an atom feed of that page
and that feed be displayed to the end user via notification bubble or some other useful means

Infrastructure Ticket created.


RFE for an gnome-applet to fetch and display the announcement to the end user.


This is still stuck in infrastructure..

the infra ticket has now been closed on the basis that RSS feeds of the various announcement lists are available. I don't believe any have been subscribed to Planet Fedora. Johann, what's your thoughts on moving forward (or not) with this now? Thanks!

I don't think there's much point keeping this open now, of course we can always look at fresh proposals regarding communication, but I don't think this specific idea is going to happen.

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