#135 Proposed Test Day - TOPIC How about a consideration of the dual boot issues from Fedora 13?
Closed: Wontfix None Opened 13 years ago by dramsey.

How about a consideration of the dual boot issues from Fedora 13?

I remember from the Fedora 13 timeframe, there were dual boot issues.

Would it be advantageous to reconsider a subset of this as well as other lessons learned from the Fedora 13 which may be a good peruse for historical impact and reflection.

Greetings, thanks for the test day idea! I think this could be a valuable test day topic. However, issues discovered from this event may not be the type of issues the installer development team is looking to close out on for F14. That doesn't mean it wouldn't be worthwhile, or that sever issues wouldn't be addressed.

I'm adding dlehman (installer development lead for F14) to the cc list for ideas/input. Dave, would be you be open to a F14 test day focused on identifying and testing dual-boot use cases?

I've reached out to [https://www.redhat.com/archives/anaconda-devel-list/2010-October/msg00187.html anaconda-devel-list] for additional thoughts on hosting such an event for Fedora 15. Feel free to contribute ideas/feedback there as well.

Moving to F-15 milestone. From the anaconda-devel-list thread, there doesn't seem to be much support for detecting grub2 based-distros (ubuntu). Bcl [https://www.redhat.com/archives/anaconda-devel-list/2010-October/msg00260.html indicates] that support for dual-booting is centered around windows partitions.

I could be missing something, but at present, this doesn't strike me as a good test day topic if we are interested in feedback of dual-booting with other linux distros. However, if we can drum up interest in testing Windows dual-boot scenarios ... we can probably come up with a small test matrix for contributors to help with. I don't have a good sense for how common windows licenses and installation media are with testers. I know I don't have any.

|| || Windows 2000 || Windows NT || Windows Vista || Windows 7 ||
|| F15 on MBR || || || || ||
|| F15 on Partition || || || || ||
|| F14 upgrade || || || || ||

dramsey: thoughts?

we'd likely also want to consider the various ways the Windows partition(s) can be laid out, particularly regarding rescue partitions, which have bitten us in the ass in the past.

I think it's worth considering both topics, if only so we know exactly how marginal support for detecting other linux distros is :)

Hello Everyone,

Appreciate your comments and ideas. :)

Depends on the testers' setups, and I think that the table concept is worthy to consider. :)

Also, I just wanted to provide some feedback from what has happened in the field, so to help empower you all with food for thought. :)

If there are any questions and/or concerns, then please ask. :)

- David -

We still didn't do one of these, but it's still a good idea: let's bump it up to 17. Assigning to John.

Welp, bump it out to F18.

No activity here, closing for now. Please reopen if you are really interested in organizing this Test Day.

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