#405 Gnome Test Day
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by martix.

= phenomenon =

= background analysis =

= implementation recommendation =

Replying to [comment:1 martix]:

I'd like to do Gnome Test Day on 2013-10-10
Good idea. Date too.
Change: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Gnome3.10

Martix announced he could no longer organize this test day. Is there some other volunteer willing to do it?

Action items include:
Talk to developers and get them to attend the test day
Fill in the wiki page details
* Verify that the test cases are up to date, create some if required

I can create the LiveCD if you give me a list of packages to be included.

Lukas Brabec and Jan Sedlak will take this.

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