It was very recently pointed out by @tenk that we are missing a line in test result matrices where there is no place to submit results for lxQT alongwith other optional results.
@adamwill can you tell me how can I fix this one?
Adamw fixed it , closing this one. Thanks adamw
Metadata Update from @sumantrom: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
@sumantrom for the record, the main thing to do if you want to change the results pages is to update the template pages, e.g. the installation template page. The matrices in each individual event result page are produced (technically, 'substituted') from those templates. Obviously, please be really careful not to mess anything up when editing them. Especially don't rename, move around or change the result rows for existing tests without knowing all the consequences - this can have unexpected effects on openQA result reporting and on testcase_stats. Adding new rows is usually fairly safe.
Once you've edited the template page, changes will show up in all future events. If you really want to, you can also manually add the new rows to the current event page (which I did in this case).
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